Chapter 6

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  Once the boys were settled down ranboo in a chair with Tommy sitting criss-cross on his left, and tubbo criss-cross on his right. The boy with a yellow jumper had spoken first breaking the silence.

"Hello! Uhm.. We'll I'm Wilbur and this is Phill"

he gestured toward the man with black wings

"and brother Techno!"

       He lightly tapped the other boy with pink hair. Tommy looked over to Tubbo who was currently having a stare down with Techno. He greeted them and introduced the brothers briefly.

      "I'm tommy before you ask I'm a  raccoon hybrid, the one with black and white skin with particles flying about is ranboo he's an enderian, and the rams tubbo"

After that Tubbo started talking with Phill being kind but guarded. Every once and a while he would say something creepy out of habit but the people seems to not notice. Ranboo and Wilbur were having a conversation quickly changing subjects, but they were currently talking about a song named "your new partner or your new boyfriend" one of the two.

He was content watching his brothers Tubbo who was smiling happily, and Ranboo listening looking rather interested before Techno came over to the book shelf he was leaning against.

"So what your story"

He had a monotone voice that both had no emotion and millions of emotions all at once. Tommy's ears twitched upwards immediately as he looked at the boy. He was taller than tommy but shorter than ranboo.

"Don't got one worth sharing, You want something? If you wanna have a nice conversation then Tubbo wolud be good to talk to"

he flicked his hand  towards his ram brother

"Or.. Do you want a patient listener? Then ranboo would be good to talk to."

He gestured again towards his enderian brother

" If I wanted to talk to them I would have"

The boy rolled his eyes his hair catching a golden hue in the light.

"We'll then walk away from here"

This boy was getting on Tommy's nerves. After a few moments of glaring between the two boys tubbo called him over, his face snapped in tubbos direction his face immediately softened. He walked over to his brother.

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