Chapter 14 ⁓ Trouble In Paradise

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A light drizzle of rain has begun to fall outside

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A light drizzle of rain has begun to fall outside. It's a bit on the cooler side, giving way to the coming change of seasons, and Kane's grateful for it, sick of the oppressive heat.

The familiar apartment building they make their way through isn't substantial enough to warrant an elevator, but the staircase they ascend with heavy steps is long enough to make the lingering silence grow awkward, prickling the nape of Kane's neck with sweat.

Hannah had claimed she needed to shower, so she'd presumably had the entire day to pick through the farmhouse for whatever book she'd been looking for.

It's fortunate because Reid hadn't brought up the matchbook and tried to fall into their usual drivel, but Kane made an effort to simply ignore him. It was torture for Reid, and the entire day at the shop was spent in silence. The idiot had actually begun doing work near the end, worryingly, which means the treatment had done something.

Although Reid had turned it around when they'd gotten home, disregarding Kane's invitation to come with them tonight, now they're both ignoring each other. It'll most certainly end in a giant blowup with Reid breaking first; he always does.

If Reid were here right now, the quiet would be filled with the idiots drabbling, but no, he's back at the farmhouse, moping childishly in front of the television.

In the name of revenge for not performing his one job, being social, Kane makes a mental note to himself to give Reid a good pinch in the fatty part of his thigh next time they see each other.

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