Chapter 15 ⁓ Dead Quiet

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There's a light evening wind rustling through the evergreen trees at the edge of the vast property

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There's a light evening wind rustling through the evergreen trees at the edge of the vast property. It makes for an unnerving visual from the yard, accompanied by the faint rainfall pattering against the wet grass and dirt.

It's not the quiet of the remote estate that causes an unease to settle over the three-story house and it's many windows cast in shadow. The fact that a family has been massacred inside its grey-stone walls only a few days prior is what gives this entire ordeal a horror-movie vibe.

Reid crosses the expansive yard, feeling exposed and making for a shadow patio not far away. The squelches of his shoes against the wet grass are loud to his ears. The occasional gust of wind creaks the lone swing of a rusty playset at the edge of evergreen trees.

He wonders if he's taking the same route the killer did that night. The trees would provide concealment, and it's not hard to skirt through the shadows of the yard; he's doing it now. Although the house is devoid of life now, if he had to choose a way inside to not tip off occupants, this would be it.

The thought is really twisted.

Reid ducks under some police tape tied to one of the supporting beams of a balcony overhead and steps onto the patio. Droplets of rain patter against the plastic as a loose end dances and slaps in the wind.

His careful footfalls leave the sound of faint cracking in their wake, crunching glass that litters the stone as he approaches the backdoor. It's been smashed. A plastic sheet hangs from the frame and blows inward, revealing a shadowed carpet covered in beads of glass, illuminated by the moonlight that streams from above.

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