Chapter 34⁓ Master Plan

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"Reid," Lucas begs, the rasp in his voice and tenseness in his muscles giving away the fact he's holding back

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"Reid," Lucas begs, the rasp in his voice and tenseness in his muscles giving away the fact he's holding back. "It's important. Really—" His voice falters at the curl of Reid's fingers around his wrist. "Really important. You'll—damn, listen to me."

Lucas doesn't try and hold back his groan as any semblance of shaking control Reid might have had dissipates, and he licks the blood that's calling him so sweetly he'd have to be insane to deny it's beckoning. And Reid's not insane. No, he's not. He doesn't think so, anyway. He's just a sane guy who isn't averse to lapping at his friend's fingers.

A very good friend who suddenly has a fistful of Reid's hair, and those wonderful fingers are thrust between Reid's lips and pressed heavily against his tongue. He chokes because he hadn't expected it in the slightest, although the dark whispering delights in the forwardness.

His brain flips from hunting to giving without any resistance. Reid realizes belatedly that he can physically feel the innate sense of dynamics that his brain is constantly rewiring. He understands now why the vampire hierarchy has always seemed so bizarre to outside observation: sir and ma'am, master, and loyalty to the death.

Reid's fingers shackling Lucas's wrist tighten with some basal instinct to keep him close. The blooming taste of blood has Reid close to feralness. He can hear the animal sounds he's making from a distance. The most important thing in his teetering world is quelling the ringing in his ears and the crashing waves of misery in his gut.

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