𝟮. 𝗧𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 {𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲}

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Ella sat in the locker room. She didn't know what to think. Things were worried. April had been fired. She had failed to check an airway and she had been fired. Ella missed her sister but she knew that she was more determined than ever to prove that she belonged in the programme

She looked to see alex as he walked in and rolled her eyes at him "what do you want" she asked as he looked to her

"Your in my way" he said as she stood up and faced him

"Am I really" she asked as he sighed

"Move. Why don't you go and leave like your sister. Maybe it's your turn to kill someone" he spat as she glared

"Where's your wife Karev. Oh wait she left you too didn't she" Ella said as the two of them held a look as Cristina walked in

"hey, Alex.I just got a call from swender's officeThat Izzie has an I. L. -2treatment this week That she hasn't called back to confirm."


"And, um ... She's your wife, who could die." Cristina said

"She'll show up.She's a crappy wife, but she's not an idiot."

"Okay, uh, well, it's ... it's Thursday at 10:00, So you know."

"Don't worry.Being ditched by cancer wife won't change my mind. You're still a douche." Ella said as she looked to him. He sat looking at her and pulled a face as she walked off

Ella walked into the room. She frowned as she saw derek and the others looking at a tumour on scans"Oh please say your operating on this" Ella said

"You know what this is about, right?" Mark said


"You're no longer daddy's favorite, So you've gone in search of some crazy ass tumor To get his love back." Mark said

"Actually, it's about my patient. I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm just looking" derek said

"Isaac has a cord tumor?" Callie asked as she walked in

"Oh, it's awesome. Look" Ella said as she handed the slides to Callie

"Awesome in a bad way. It's eaten five levels of his spine.
Wait, you're not seriously considering Trying to take it out" Callie asked

"Of course he is. He's Shepherd" Cristina said

"Isaac's got a bone spur or a herniated disk, not a ... He diagnosed an osteosarcoma case for me a month ago.
I thought it was a shadow, but it turned out to be
The tiniest little lesion on an x-ray." Arizona said as she walked in

"That says more about you than it does him" mark said sipping his coffee

"Leave her alone" Ella said as Arizona faked laughed

"I'm sorry. Do you even know who isaac is?" Arizona asked

"No idea." Mark said as Ella rolled her eyes

"Hey, what's everyone ... Oh, a spinalumor. I read about a case at mayo where the surgery took 17 hours. The head surgeon had four rotating assistants, One of whom just administered fluids." Lexie said as she walked in

"Okay, you know what? Don't try and lexopedia your way on this this is my tumour ." Cristina said

"What happened to the patient at mayo?" Arizona asked

"He died. That's why it only took 17 hours." Lexie said

"Hey, I just heard. Isaac has an inoperable tumor? It's isaac's tumor?" Owen said.

"Okay, yeah, yeah. Boo-hoo, okay? Who says it's inoperable?" Cristina said

"Cristina" derek said as they looked as the scan results came up

" oh, come on. It's all the way up to t-2." Callie said

"see, this is why is got into plastics." Mark said

"why aren't you all at your surgeries? Go, get to your o. R. S.

"Don't screw with my schedule on day one." Webber said as he walked into the room

They all looked to him before they walked off

Ella walked down the hall as she saw Jackson and smiled "hey how is April" he asked

"Heartbroken all that she wanted was to be a surgeon and she's gifted. It could of been any one of us you know. She's gutted"

"She'll be okay. What is she going to do" he asked as she sighed

"I don't know. She doesn't know. She needs time" Ella said as Jackson nodded

"And you...are you okay" Jackson asked as she smiled

"I guess I just miss her being around. I heard you got in on shepherds surgery. Your a great surgeon Jackson" she said as he smiled

Ella walked over to the nurses station. Alex was on the phone to the doctor. She frowned as she saw him. She placed the files down as he hung up the phone and looked to her

"What" he asked as she looked to him

"Don't act like a jerk to me. You may not like me I mean I am not your biggest fan right now. Your wife left you and yeah that sucks but Reid is the reason my sister got fried as she covered her own ass. She snitched and my sister is gone. Your not the only one having a bad time" she said

"What's your game" he asked as he stood up and walked towards her. She looked to him and crossed her arms over her chest

"I don't have a game. Believe it or not. I have to round" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed the file . The two of them held a look as she sighed

"Fine. Do what you want" she said as he looked to her before she walked off. She didn't know what it was about Alex Karev but he seemed to be getting on her last nerve

"Your an ass. You know that"

"Yeah well your a bitch" he said as he pushed past her. She looked to him and glared. She knew that he was going through a hard time but she knew it didn't excuse what an ass that he was being with her.

She walked off as she checked her phone and sighed. She saw the messages off of April and smiled. She knew how much that she missed her sister

Ella stood in the hallway. She looked to Alex as he walked past her "cancer wife didn't show?" She asked as he looked to her and shock his head

"No. Why do you care. You hate me" he asked as the two of them looked to each other

"I never said I hated you" she said as he nodded. The two of them held a look as she walked off

She knew how her head was a mess and her was confused. But little did she know how everything was going to change between her and Alex Karev

Surgical Desires *A.Karev*Where stories live. Discover now