𝟵. 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘀𝘀 {𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗸, 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿}

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Ella groaned as she woke up in the in call bed with Alex. They had crashed there after having sex. Their pagers went off as she sat up "what's is it" Ella asked

"Trauma choppers." Alex said as he stood from the bed and got dressed

"Nice.Hey, could you ... could you hand me my ... Oh, well, okay. Good morning." Ella said as he rushed out of the room. She at up and grabbed her scrubs redressing

She was annoyed. She knew all that had gone down with Alex and his brother and she had been there for him but it seemed as if he just wanted to have sex with her and that's all that he wanted.

She had no idea what was going on with them. She knew it was a mess but she also knew that the sex was great with them but she knew that it was all so confusing

Ella stood in the room with bailey and Alex. They stood working in a patient son from a wishing against where the father had ended up with a hook inside him

"That was the first thing he taught me When I joined the crew.I don't know how ... We didn't play ball when I was little.We tied knots. I know how to tie that knot." He said as Elle worked on cleaning his head

"Doug, you made a mistake. It was an accident." Bailey said

"What if it wasn't?I've thought about it sometimes ... hitting him ... Or hurting him.He pisses me off sometimes and he's harsh and ... "

"Are you telling us you did this on purpose?" Bailey asked

"No, not on purpose. I just I don't ... I don't feel so good." Doug said

"Okay, just try to relax. Deep breaths.Deep breaths." Ella said as he threw up on her

"Okay, uh, kepner, order a head c. T. And get a c. T. Angio.
I think I saw, uh, some fluid around his spleen."

"I'll do it." Alex said rushing out. He was avoiding Ella

"Uh, I think there's some ..." bailey started to say

"And I'll just deal with the vomit." Ella said. She knew that this just wasn't her day.

Ella found Anna as she stood in the hall and smiled "you smell of vomit" Anna said as Ella looked to her and groaned

"Yeah I'm off to change I got threw up on. What's up with your brother he's being weird" Ella asked

"I don't know he is weird"

"I heard Sloan had the baby have you spoken to mark over it all?" Ella asked as Anna looked to her

"No I am trying to be there for him but it's not easy you know. I think I could love him Ella and it scares me. I have been trying to be there for him lately but for an I meant to be there for him as he talks over raising his grandson and making me a grandma to a kid that's not mine and we're not even together. It's a mess" Anna said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"I get you I feel the same when it came to Alex. I mean I was there when your brother was there and how it seemed as if he is pushing me away"

"Yeah well pushing people away. It's what us karevs are good at" Anna said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"I need to change I have nursery" Ella said

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