𝟭𝟲. 𝗠𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 {𝗖𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗯𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆}

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Ella stood in the bathroom as she stood getting ready for work. She looked to see Jackson who was in the shower as Lexie sat shaving her legs on the toilet. Ella and Alex stood brushing their teeth as April was brushing her hair

"Towel. " Jackson said as April bumps into Lexie as she hands it him, causing Lexie to cut herself.

"Oh. Ow! " lexie said

"Oh, sorry. Jeez. Sorry. " April said

" Yeah. " lexie said as Meredith and Derek watch from the doorway.

" You know this isn't normal?" Derek said as Ella glanced to Alex and smiled

"You know that he is right. Maybe we should think of getting our own place if you want too I mean I do want to get things back on track" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"Maybe it's not the worse idea" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Lexie walked over to where Meredith and Cristina were standing

"Hey, uh, do you know how long April and Jackson are planning to stay in the house? And Ella for that matter"

"Uh, as long as they like. Why?" Meredith asked

" Well, April's taken over Izzie's room, which was fine when it was temporary, But I live in the attic, And I sleep next to Christmas ornaments. " lexie said

"Hmm. April's best friend just died, and she's all alone. "

"I'm not evil. It's just ... She's annoying. Okay? I find her annoying. And all Ella and Alex do is have sex"

"Really? I find you much more annoying." Cristina said

Ella stood at the nurses station with Alex as they listened to teddy as she talked over Jackson

"You just got called a dumb blond" Alex said as Ella looked to him and rolled her eyes

"Be nice" Ella said as she hit his arm as Jackson walked off as Alex smiled

"Do you mean what you said over us getting our own place this morning?" He asked as she looked to him and smirked

"I do that's why I suggested it. Look things are a mess and I don't know what to think. But I love you Alex. We have been through a lot and I want to make it work. I was in my apartment let my sister, Jackson and Anna before and it was crowded and mers is even worse. I just want it to be me and you" she said as she placed her hands on his chest and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her

"Okay then. We will start looking for somewhere to live just me and you and maybe a spare room for Anna. For when Sloan pisses her off. Or maybe for when we are ready for real for a baby. I know what happened and how you lose the baby and how I was shot and it was a disaster but it made me realise I don't want to loose you and one day when we're ready I do want a baby with you besides we can have fun practicing first. A whole load of practice" he said as he kissed her neck as she laughed

"You have yourself a deal. On the practicing part as I'm no way ready to be a mom" Ella said as he pulled her close and kissed her

Surgical Desires *A.Karev*Where stories live. Discover now