𝟮𝟵. 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀

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Ella kepner as lead into the Trauma room. She knew that something wasn't right and she was scared. Owen and April were examining her as Alex stood in the doorway as he lookec to his girlfriend in shock

"Where does it hurt" Owen asked as Ella gestured to her stomach as Owen looked to her as he examined her

"Kepner get OB down here" he said as he looked to April

"OB?" Ella asked as Alex frowned

"Wait what are you saying that she's pregnant"

"No I'm not I had a period I'm not pregnant" Ella said  as she groaned in pain

"I would say that your pregnant and if I an not mistaken I think that your in labour" Owen said as Alex and Ella held a look

Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing as he wakes out of the room. He needed a minute. He was about to become a father with no warning

"So they're probably gonna fire me. Are you happy? " Meredith asked as she found Alex. Alex was too busy in shock over what was going on with Alex

"Oh, come on. They're not gonna... " alex said

"I want your crap out of my house by the end of the day" meredith said as Alex frowned

He knew that he had just got him and Ella kicked out and she was about to have a baby


Alex found owen. He knew how he needed to be with Ella but he knew he had to have them somewhere to live

"Dr. Hunt, I had way too many drinks before I told you that. I-I didn't mean for... "

"Not now, Karev. "

" Look, I told you that because I didn't think she should be chief resident, not that she should be fired. " Alex said

" If you didn't think this through, then you are as dumb as she is." Owen said

Alex was heading back to be with Ella as Richard cornered him

" Karev. I want a written account of exactly what you saw, every detail ... when, where ... "

" Oh, look, sir, I-I don't think that's ..." Alex said

" I-I don't want to know what you think. Okay?"

"I need to be with Ella right now"

"Not yet with me" he said as Alex groaned. He knew Ella would think he had flaked on her

Anna walked out of surgery and over to mark and smiled

"Hey why aren't you with ella?" He asked as she frowned

"What because my brother grassed mer up I heard"

"You haven't heard over Ella. She's having a baby"

"Oh she's pregnant that's great"

"No. I mean she's here in a room giving birth as we speak" mark said as Anna looked to him in shock

"Don't fuck with me Sloan" she said as mark sighed

Surgical Desires *A.Karev*Where stories live. Discover now