𝟯. 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘃 {𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗜𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲}

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Ella woke up to her pager beeping. It was the middle of the night. She sat up and groaned as she ran a hand through her hair. She reached for her pager and groaned.

She knew that it was early and she was on call and how she had to get in. She sat up and got dressed. Ella walked through the apartment and groaned. She knew that ever since April had gone home how she was apartment sharing with reed, Jackson and Charlie and how they all seemed to be living on top of each other

Ella got to the hospital as she walked into the trauma room and sighed as she saw Alex. She knew how he was the last person that she wanted to see. Ella knew how things were with her and Alex and she knew how they had this tension and she hated it as she just wanted to make things work

"Laura Young, 30 weeks pregnant. Car accident.Head CT showed a subdural. Shepherd's coming in.Baby's in distress. O. B's on its way." Alex said to Arizona asked she walked in

"Oh, it hurts. It really hurts."

"Okay, wait. Hold on. Stop.Move the wand up." Arizona said to Alex


"Okay, baby's brain is hemorrhaging.She needs a crash "c" while Shepherd handles the bleed.Get ready to grab the wheel start running" Arizona said

Alex gave Ella a look and smirked as he walked out with the case. She knew how smug that he was being.  She looked after him and glared

A few hours later Ella stood with the rest of the interns as they stood outside of peds. Ella looked as a blonde stood next to her and smiled "hey your the douche sister I don't think we've officially met. I'm Ella kepner. My sister is the one who got fired" Ella said as she smiled

"Anna, trust me I know what a douche my brother has been ever since that skank left hun. He deserves better than her anyway. He may be a jerk and all but he does have a heart deep down" Anna said as Ella smiled as they saw Arizona as she joined them

"Okay, I know this is the first time on a Peds rotation with me for some of you. Not for others.But I wanted you to understand that I run my Peds unit a little differently than you may be used to. This is not general surgery in miniature. These are the tiny humans. These are children. They believe in magic. They play pretend. There is fairy dust in their I. V. bags. They hope and they cross their fingers and they make wishes.And that makes them more resilient than adults.They recover faster, survive worse. They believe. In Peds, we have ... miracles and magic.In Peds, anything is possible." Arizona said as she walked inside

Cristina faked gagged as Anna hit her across the head with the patient file and glared as they followed her inside onto the peds ward as they saw a young boy in a white coat playing doctor, Ella looked to him and smiled

"Morning, Dr. Robbins." He said

"Good morning, Dr. Wallace.I see that you've already introduced yourself to Mr. And Mrs. Boydyes." Arizona said

"Yes, reminds me of Hillary at that age. Such an overachier."

"Dr. Yang, why don't you present?" Arizona said

"Excuse me, little ... doctor boy. Uh, Hillary boyd, 15 years old, fell off the roof of her house. 52 acute fractures were diagnosed when she was admitted last night. An intricate and extremely challenging OIF surgery was performed by Dr. Torres and Dr. Hunt this morning before rounds." Cristina said

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