I'm WHAT!? -Grian

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Hi welcome to my crappy oneshots book 👍 I will have some warnings and disclaimers....

First off, there will be ships. I do not ship the hermits IRL I only ship Minecraft personas.

Secondly, if you don't like something in this book such as a weird idea that I have written at two am then please keep your opinion to yourself. I will delete any hate comments.

Thirdly, if anyone is uncomfortable with an idea in this book then just don't read it.

Finally, this is my AU/AU's. I will not accept any hate towards my AU. I will delete any hate comments.

I hope this clarifies everything... Have fun reading this! 😃

TW's: R@p3, Vomiting, cringe writing

So basically this is an au where Grian is ftm trans but never had bottom surgery. He gets r@p3d and ends up pregnant... He worries about whether he should tell the hermits or not... There will probably be a part 2 of this...

"Ugh" I groan... "Why is it still earlyyy?" I grumble a bit more before grabbing my communicator off of my bedside table... I feel like crap... I open the communicator screen and open private messages... I select Xisuma and type...

<Grian> hey X... I don't feel so good...

<Xisuma> Oh... Whereabouts are you?

<Grian> in bed... In my mansion...

<Xisuma> K

<Xisuma> omw

I close the communicator screen before rolling over... I try to go back to sleep but I can't... I shiver slightly... I haven't slept since he did that to me... I can still feel his hands all over my body... Not to mention my poor bits... You know where... I shift slightly... Oh gods... That made it worse... I think to myself before bolting into my bathroom...

TW: Vomiting

I lean over the toilet bowl and hurl... I keep doing this for about ten minutes before I hear a knocking on the door... There are tears streaming down my face as I sob and throw up... I have again and the door slowly opens... Xisuma stands on the other side but upon seeing me on the bathroom floor he crouches next to me and begins to rub circles on my back as I sob...

TW over

We sit there for a few minutes before I slowly drift off to sleep... Xisuma gently lifts me up to my feet and undresses me... He immediately spots all the hickies (idk how you spell it ok?) and bruises I have all over my upper body... He lets out a small gasp before seeing the pain and misery in my eyes... He continues carefully undressing me before running a warm bath... He gently picks me up bridal style before lowering me into the warm water... I relax into the bath as the water washes away the pain... About twenty minutes later X helps me out of the bath before I dry myself... He hands me a white shirt, a soft red sweater and a pair of  grey leggings... He then passes me a pair of fluffy socks which I pull onto my feet...

After I finish getting dressed X helps me back to my bed... I crawl into it and pull the blankets over me... X pulls a chair over to the side of the bed before he opens his admin panel...

"Where were you when it happened?" He asks slowly... I rub my face before replying...
"I was in the hub... I went to visit a friend..."

Xisuma taps a few buttons on his admin panel before asking... " How long ago?"

"Around two weeks ago?" I reply nervously...

Xisuma taps another few buttons before asking... "Was it a girl or boy?"

"Boy..." I reply hesitantly...

Xisuma clicks a few more buttons and then says... " Almost done... Now... Do you know the name of your attacker?"

I shake my head... Xisuma clicks a button then looks back up at me... "Did you see what they looked like?" I hesitate before replying... "Big... Tall... Maybe 6 foot?... Brown eyes and red hair... Had a massive burn scar across his face... Looked to be in his late twenties..."

Xisuma inputs this into his admin panel and clicks another button... He then switches the screen... "Why do you have an ultrasound screen?" I ask nervously... Xisuma looks at me in surprise... "How did you- never mind... But I'm going to scan you to make sure everything is alright..." I let out a weak smile before staring at the screen as he scans me...

It takes a few minutes but there is a beep... Xisuma stares at his screen for a moment... He then flips it around to reveal my uterus... Inside the uterus... There is a small but clear child growing... I stare at the screen before staring down at my stomach... "What?" I mumble...

"Grian... I think you're pregnant..."

"I'M WHAT!?"

I slowly start to panic internally... Oh god, oh god... Nononononono... I hate this part of me... Why do I have to be pregnant...

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear a loud "GRIAN!" Coming from Xisuma... I stare at him blankly for a few seconds before I start to cry...

Xisuma sits on the edge of the bed and gently rubs circles on my back as I cry... I eventually stop crying and wipe away the worst of the tears... I mean... On the plus side... Xeri will get the sibling she wanted... On the negative side... How am I going to explain this to Xera? Or Yanesha? Or... Dare I even think that he's somehow out of the ban void... Xenrus?

I let out a small smile before saying..."At least Xeri will get a sibling..." I stop suddenly before slowly covering my mouth... Shit... I forgot X was here...

"Grian... Who is Xeri?"

856 words

Hello peeps! How are y'all doing?
So yeah... I did start the oneshots book... And now we have this! Hopefully the stories I write will get better and I will probably do a part 2 of this after I upload the next chapter of my book Hidden behind the mask... Small warning... I am currently feeling like crap because I have managed to get sick... So uploads will probably be a bit slower... Or will they get faster? Anyways... I hope you enjoyed this cringey thing because trust me... There are more to come... Some may be cringe... Others may not... Thanks for reading
Cya next upload!
-Flamingo Girl WP 😷

Grian Centric Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now