Comfort -Grian & Cub

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I am back with another one shot! This one is inspired by Nadia225's most recent video: Comfort. Basically a watcher gets on the server and uses a spell on Cub that makes Cub want to get rid of his vex wings as they serve no purpose. Enjoy and if you like this please either check it out on YouTube at Nadia225 or leave a vote :)

Grian POV
I was talking to Xisuma about the prank I played on Scar when I feel a presence... I freeze and try to focus on where the presence is...

"Grian?" I snap back to reality (oh there goes gravity) to see X staring at me with a concerned expression...

"Uh- Yeah?" I say slightly panicking inside...

"You good?" Xisuma asks slowly... I nod before fake yawning...

"I think I'm just tired... I might head to bed soon..." I say trying to get out of this situation...

"Ok then... I'll see you later G" Xisuma says before flying off... I breathe a sigh of relief before feeling the presence again... It's in Cubs base... I realise with a bit of nervousness...

I stretch my wings before flying to Cubs base... I land and find the area slightly exploded... I look around for Cub before seeing him grab his wings and yank them hard...

I wince as the sound of breaking bones reach my ears before I teleport to Cub...

I grab Cubs hands and pull them away from his wings... I hold his hands up high so he can't reach his wings while I take the spell off of him...

The spell wears of and Cub seems terrified... I turn him around to face me as he begins mumbling "It took me so long to get over that and now-"

I pull him into a hug before teleporting to X's base... I sit him on the couch before I ask... "Hey Cub... Can I heal your wing?"

Cub nods slowly... I gently take the broken wing in my hand as my magic begins to course through the wing and healing it... I gently put it down before I smile softly at Cub...

"It's done now..." I say gently... Cub nods before getting up... He then walks off to the library... I let him be for a while...

After about thirty or so minutes I walk into the library...

"Hey Cub? Why did you want to do that?" I ask slowly...

Cub bites his lip before sighing... "You see... I grew up around humans... They didn't know how to take care of my wings and neither did I... I wanted to get rid of them as they served no purpose but decided against it... After years of neglect this is what they look like now... I eventually gave up on trying to figure out how to fix them and decided to leave them like this and just use an elytra if I want to fly..." Cub explains this all nervously...

"Well... Can I maybe try to fix them?" I ask slowly...

"It won't work G... I've tried everything..." Cub says slowly...

"Well you'll never know until you try Cub... I mean... Look at X for example... X hid his wings for a long time under his clothing and once I helped him get his wings out and he let me preen them regularly they're completely healthy!" I say enthusiastically... Trying to get Cub to let me at least try it...

"Fine... You can try I guess..." Cub says hesitantly... I smile widely and pull him to my bedroom... I sit him down on the bed before he spreads his wings out...

I gently preen them before noticing Cub has fallen asleep... Damn... I mean... I don't blame him... This is probably his first time having his wings preened... It must feel great... I think to myself as I straighten feathers and pick rocks and dirt out of Cubs wings...

about 4 hours later

Cubs POV
I yawn as I stretch out before realising that I'm not in my room... I then remember the events of last night...

I definitely fell asleep by accident... I think to myself as I get out of Grians bed... I wonder... Did he fix them? I think to myself before closing my eyes tightly...

Only one way to find out .. I spread my wings out before I open my eyes... I stare at my wings in shock...

Oh my god... He actually did it! I feel tears of joy sliding down my face as I stare at the baby blue wings...

They used to be an almost white colour... That's what happens when your wings aren't being taken care of...

However... These baby blue wings... They are what my wings were supposed to look like...

Meanwhile with the Gremlin/Mother birb

Grian POV
I am arguing with Bdubs about who is taller... It is obviously me! Bdubs is the shortest hermit! Our argument ends when X who is standing nearby says... "Come on boys... Grian is right Bdubs..." I smile widely before yelling "HAH! TAKE THAT SHORTIE!"

X cracks up and tries his hardest not to laugh while Bdubs just pouts grumpily...

Bdubs goes and hugs Xisuma while he pouts grumpily... I chuckle softly before feeling Cubs aura behind me... I smile softly as Cub hugs me...

"Thank you so much Grian!" Cub says while tears of joy run down his face...

"It's no problem Cub... I just took it one feather at a time and hey presto! Your wings are healthier!" I say with a smile as I hug Cub back...

"You're wings are so pretty Cub!" Bdubs says... Bdubs eyes are full of stars as he looks at Cubs wings...

"I have to agree but how are they like this?" Xisuma says calmly...

"They were always supposed to look like this... They were damaged before..." Cub says before smiling "But Grian fixed them!"

I smile softly before hugging Cub a little bit tighter... "Don't you ever do what you tried to do yesterday" I whisper in Cubs ear... Cub nods before smiling...

"Now who's going to teach me how to fly?" Cub says enthusiastically...

1026 words

Hello my wonderful readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you want to see the original or better version of this then please go to Nadia225 on YouTube :)
I hope y'all have a fantastic day or night and I will see you next update!
-Flamingo Girl WP

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