Blanket Part 2 - GEX

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I'm back in business baby!
Take a meme before we get into this!

Anyways (AnYgAyS) let's get into this mess!

A few minutes of flying later Grian lands in the clearing by X's base. He puts his shulker box on the ground and grabs a tent from the tents pile nearby.

Within half an hour Grian has the tent set up. He brings his shulker box inside and unpacks his special blanket. The one EX gave him.

Grian then goes outside of his tent and grabs the largest tent. He then begins setting it up. This is the tent the hermits are going to be having movie night in.

As he starts to set it up he hears fireworks. He looks up to see Xisuma, Keralis and Beef flying into the clearing.

"Hi guys!" Grian says cheerfully. "Heya Grian!" "Hi Grian" "Hi Brian!" The others respond with a smile.

"Do you mind helping me with the big tent? I can't reach some parts..." Grian says with a small smile.

"Sure!" The three say in unison which causes them all to chuckle.

They work together to build the tent. Grian secretly using his magic when he can, Xisuma doing the higher areas, Keralis helping Grian do the lower areas and Beef picking up things that are in the way and passing things to the other 3.

After around 20 minutes the tent is set up. The hermits are all mostly there (minus a few like Scar and Team ZIT) but they all arrive eventually.

Grian grabs the shulker box from his tent and sets it inside the large tent. The hermits then unpack the shulker box and begin making a pillow fort.

Timeskip brought to you by pesky birb delivery services

The pillow fort is finally finished. Xisuma stands at the front of the room to make an announcement. After a few moments the hermits quiten and focus on the admin.

"Seeing as this is an all hermit event... I will be allowing Hels and EX to join. They have both promised that they won't cause trouble."

A few gasps and murmurs run through the room...

Grian just sits there in surprise... He can finally see his husband again! He quickly masks his excitement and waits for X to speak again.

After the hermits are quiet again Xisuma speaks again. "Just be aware that they are both under probation and will be watched by both me and Wels. Also, is anyone willing to have one of them in their tent?"

Grian hesitates before slowly raising his hand. "C-Can I share with both of them? I've been wanting to meet both of them... plus they can't physically harm me in my tent... it has an enchantment on it that dulls a person's violence."
Grian lies easily...

"Wait wha- Where did you get your tent?" Xisuma asks with suspension in his tone

"My father had it made for my aunt. My aunt kinda had anger issues and would get really violent." Grian explains... The truth is far from the explanation Grian just made...

"Uh- ok then... I guess you can have them in your tent. But for your safety you are to give us a signal every half an hour. If you don't we will check on you." Xisuma says sternly

"Yes X" Grian replies.

"Ok I'm going to bring them here now" Xisuma says before opening a portal.

The portal is the colour of chorus fruit,a dull purple. After a few moments 2 figures step out of the portal. One is almost identical to Xisuma but his clothes are red and he isn't wearing a helmet... This shows the man's ruby red eyes and pure white hair...

The other man looks like Wels but with darker armour and instead of Wels' blonde hair and baby blue eyes he has dark brown hair and blood red eyes.

After a moment of the men regathering themselves they look around the room. All of the hermits are either looking at them angrily or fearfully... All except one... Grian...

Grian has to hold back the urge to jump on EX and hug and kiss him to death... He does manage to hold it back and instead smiles at EX.

"All right... Now that that's done... Time for movie night!" Xisuma says cheerfully in an attempt to get the spirit back up.

The attempt (thankfully) works and the hermits let out an excited cheer. EX and Hels slowly go to sit at the back before noticing that Grian is there. EX's eyes light up slightly and he sits on the blanket next to Grian. Hels (though rather reluctantly) eventually sits on the blanket too.

Timeskip brought to you by 3 movies

The hermits have by now watched 3 movies. Spiderman, Hunger Games and
Shrek. As it was almost midnight the hermits decided to turn in. EX and Hels followed Grian to the tent.

The tent looks relatively simple and not too large on the  outside but inside of it is a fancy room

"Grian- I... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" Hels squawks in shock. Effectively cutting EX off.

"✨M A G I C✨" Grian and EX say in unison with the same shit eating grin.

Idk 'bout this but imma just leave it in for funsies 😁👍


"Grian- I... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" Hels squawks in shock. Effectively cutting EX off.

"Magic." Grian says with a small smirk.
"Huh?" Says Hels, EX and Grian just smirk at his obliviousness.

"Hels." EX says with a small smile "If me and Grian tell you what were about to tell you... You must promise not to tell a single soul."

Hels hesitates before nodding.
"Good." EX says. "Grian? Do you want to say this? Or should I?"

Grian hesitates momentarily.
"I'll do it. Ok so Hels. Two things. First, me and EX are both watchers. Second, we may or may not be married?"

Hels freezes for a moment

Cliffhanger >:3
I'll see you next one shot. If anyone wants to request anything the requests are open!
Thanks for reading
See you next time!
-Flamingo Girl WP

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