Movie Night -Taurexian

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Things (for once) were peaceful on the Hermitcraft server. There weren't any wars, nobody had played a prank on each other and the weather was nice.

So when Grian invited everyone to a sleepover at his mansion of course people agreed. And because EX had behaved Xisuma asked if he could come too.

Grian agreed instantly before asking if he could invite a friend to the server for the week. Xisuma agreed to this too.

The sleepover time was agreed upon (it'd start at 6pm and they'd go to sleep at 10-12 and then they'd leave after breakfast.

Grian quickly began setting up in his main living room. He bakes some snacks and cooks dinner before grabbing all the blankets and pillows he can find in the mansion. He quickly flies down to his hobbit hole and checks the mailing system along with grabbing some extra blankets and pillows.

He finds the pillow he and his two husbands made together. He smiles at the memory and picks it up to put at the back of the room where he, Taurtis and EX will be sitting.

He collects more blankets and pillows before flying back up to the mansion. He takes the cookies out of the oven and puts the muffins in before setting up the movie room and the projector.

It isn't long before hermits begin to arrive only to find Grian in the kitchen still baking.

He's made 3 trays of 24 muffins, 4 batches of cookies which produces 20 per tray, 3 batches of cinnamon rolls and 12 per batch, 50 litres of lemonade, 50 litres of orange soda which replicates Fanta but it's a lot better and Japanese meals for dinner (sushi rolls, katsudon and stuff like that)

He greets the hermits still in his apron which says "I am a cook, I can use a ladle and I am a gremlin. Beware of me." Some of the hermits chuckle at this while others question where he got it from.

Not long after most of the hermits arrive Xisuma comes in with EX and Taurtis who are signing insults at each other using GSL (galactic sign language) while Xisuma looks incredibly confused and concerned at the same time.

Grian greets Xisuma but smacks both EX's and Taurtis' heads. "Knock it off you two." Grian says sternly like a mother would.

"Fineee"  Taurtis and EX whine in unison. They then look at each other and yell "JINX!" at the same time, they repeat this with "DOUBLE JINX! TRIPLE JINX! QUADRUPLE JINX!" before Taurtis gets stuck and EX yells "QUINTUPLE JINX!" victoriously.

All of the hermits (-Grian) are very confused as in any interactions that have been had with EX he's been cold and pushes everyone away. Plus if any of them had hit EX on the back of the head like Grian just did they would've had thunder strike them where they stood while EX cackled like a maniac...

Before the hermits can get even more confused Grian takes the all to the movie room where there are blankets and pillows galore. SCAR squeals like a child at the sheer amount of pillows and blankets and yells "PILLOW FORT!" Jellie slowly backs away from her owner in slight nervousness as Scar begins constructing a pillow fort in the back corner of the room.

Grian smiles at this and grabs the pillow he, EX and Taurtis made before grabbing a fair few blankets and more pillows in order to create a large nest. he works quickly and within minutes he has a large nest that will easily fir three people. Grain plops into the centre, EX sits on his right and Taurtis on his left and Grian wraps his wings around them slightly. They then start the movie.

They chose to watch Tangled (more like Scar forced them to) (Shoutout to Potato1606 for helping me there lol)
Grian was cuddling with EX and Taurtis during the movie. He can relate to the movie as he was under Sam's control for so long before he broke free. Sam used him for his own selfish gains too.

About halfway through the movie EX and Taurtis fall asleep in Grian's wings and cuddle up to him. He wants to kiss them but Doc's been staring at the trio the whole movie. Grian just eats a few of his snacks and watches Doc slightly warily.

Another few minutes pass before Grian slowly gets up and picks EX and Taurtis up using his magic slightly to make them lighter. Nobody notices Grian pick the two up and exit the room except Doc who decides to follow them...

They go up to a bedroom that is off limits for everyone. Grian's bedroom. He lays them on the spare bed before turning around and going outside to Doc who was watching from the door.

"You followed me." Grian says calmly. Doc just nods. "What is it between you your guest and Evil X?" Doc asks firmly.

"I'll tell you and X who is around the corner and followed you what it is if you promise not to tell a soul." Grian says bluntly. X bashfully comes out from the wall and stands next to Doc.

"Exavian, Taurtis and I are married. We met in high school camp and fell for eachother pretty fast. We started dating in my old server and got married when we were 19."

Grian explains. X and Doc are surprised but shrug "so long as EX doesn't hurt you and doesn't destroy the server again and Taurtis doesn't do anything bad... EX and Taurtis can stay here." X says with a slight smile... He'd never admit it but he's happy his brother has found someone and he can tell that they are good for him.

Timeskip bought to you by me being stuck I the car as we wait for a massive swarm of ducks cross the road-

Over the next few weeks Grian, Taurtis and EX reveal their relationship Tighe other hermits. Some threaten EX and Taurtis, others are surprised but accepting and some just lose their minds at hearing EX can be soft and caring and actually witnessing it.

But for now that doesn't matter. Grian is happy with them and they are happy with him.

Hi. I've had this in my drafts for a month now and I've been slowly working on it lol. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and I'll see you next oneshot! Bye <3
-Flamingo Girl WP

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