Human? -Griangst

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This is kinda inspired by the song above... also I kinda like this song 😅

If you'd ever asked the hermits what they thought Grian was they'd probably tell you he's a human with a bit of magic in his blood.

That's what everyone thought.

Grian hid his wings from the very start.

He was too scared there'd be another Sam on the server.

Plus it wasn't like his wings were useable anyway.

Sam had destroyed them too much.

and it was permanent.

He'd never be able to fly again. So he hid them. They weren't useful and he didn't want them hurt any further. Even though he has his watcher wings, those were destroyed too.

That's why he was in hermitcraft in the first place.

The watchers no longer saw any purpose in him as his wings were destroyed when he "developed" them.

So he hid them and his magic.

Until one fateful day in season 7.

Still 3rd POV

Grian was sitting in his base on his bed, absentmindedly doodling until he realised he'd accidentally drawn a picture of Sam.

He glares at the drawing before erasing it using his magic.

His mood now sour he looks at the other drawings. There's a couple of the watcher symbols that he quickly erases too. The others are all just random doodles.

A small sketch of a parrot, of his wings from before they were destroyed, his EVO hat, a small sketch of Taurtis' head with his headphones on, his red sweater,a small sketch of one of his outfits (The Mumbo for Mayor shirt) and a rough sketch of his head next to Taurtis'.

Seeing Taurtis' fac again, even though it was in a sketch, just reminded him too much of High School. How he found Taurtis' body after Sam killed him and how Sam forced him to be Taurtis.

Grian shivers slightly and draws his arms around himself.

Remembering that time always does this.

Especially as he could only remember being terrified as he watched Sam approach him.

The first time Taurtis was stabbed and stuck in the hospital Sam forced him to be Taurtis. But when Taurtis came back with temporary amnesia, it made things a bit better.

That was until Sam stabbed Taurtis again. This time he didn't survive.

Though one thing always confused Grian. What was it like to be a human?
If he were human would Sam still have hurt him? If he were human would his parents loved him?

This question was one Grian asked himself every so often.

Of all the things Grian has done and seen.

He still doesn't know what it means to be a human.

He's been all over the server, seen all the monuments and things the hermits have built, and been to the end void where Xisuma is from

From going back in time to sneaking into Area 77, he's seen how the hermits act around each other and how none of them are like him.

Still he doesn't know what life is supposed to mean.

Of all the people living in Hermitcraft, they're all united by their love and pain.

Except Grian

He's never told anyone what happened to him.

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