Short -Grian angst

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Basically Grian gets teased one too many times about being short and gets upset. The only reason Grian is short is because of YHS. He didn't get the proper nutrients or vitamins that would help him grow.

Grian is short. He know it very well... The thing is... The hermits find his height funny... They crack jokes about it constantly... And Grian hates that...

It isn't his fault he's short... It's the lack of nutrition... It's his fault...

Grian shakes his head to clear his thoughts before checking his communicator...

X: Server meeting in 10 minutes! @ the shopping district! Everyone must be there!

Iskall: ok X :)

Grian closes chat.... after he does his screen loads into a home screen... Grian stares at the picture on his background...

Sorry that the picture quality is crap! My phone camera sucks 😭

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Sorry that the picture quality is crap! My phone camera sucks 😭

Goddammit... I won't cry... I won't cry...

Grian stares at his background for a while longer before turning his communicator off and shoving it in his pocket... It is then that he remembers the meeting...

Crud! Grian thinks to himself...

Grian runs outside before realising he's not wearing his elytra...

Screw it... Grian hesitates before pulling off his red jumper... He then cuts two holes in the back before putting the jumper back on...

After putting his jumper on he focuses for a moment... After a second or two a pair of red, green and blue parrot wings spread behind him...

Grian flexes his wings before taking off... He flies to the shopping district where he lands in his barge and collects a different jumper before running to the meeting...

As he runs he focuses on hiding his wings again... After reaching the meeting point his wings are hidden...

"Ah... There's Grian..." Xisuma says slowly...

"Sorry guys!" Grian says with a small smile... "I lost track of time..."

"It's fine" Beef says with a smile... Grian smiles back before taking a seat...

"Ok now that everyone is here... We're holding another challenge for the server... To start it off can everyone please stand in height order?"

Everyone walks to their respective places... Grian walks to the second to last place... Bdubs is marginally taller than him though...

"Grian and Bdubs... Switch places..." Xisuma says with a soft smile... Grian looks down at the ground before standing in the end spot...

"Dang G... I know you don't accept your actual height but seriously? You're the shortest here!" Ren says with a smile on his face...

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