Blanket - GEX

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Hi! I am alive! I am so sorry for not updating for so long! My phone decided to be stupid and break
Anyways (AnYgAyS) let's get on with the story!

3rd POV

It was the middle of the day on the Hermitcraft server. The hermits were all working hard as there was a server wide sleepover that night. A certain pesky bird man was flying around his flower pot/cake base and grabbing things he deemed important. He puts it all into a red shulker box before flying off and grabbing other things.

As he searches for blankets and pillows he stumbles across the blanket his husband gave him before getting banned... He freezes for a while before picking it up and holding it tightly... It still smells like him... The familiar scent of sweet golden apples and caramel... He breathes in the scent before carrying it downstairs...

Grian is torn between wanting to bring it to the sleepover and risk the hermits doing something... Or even X recognising the scent... Or leaving it at home and letting the parrots find it...

After mentally debating it he decides to bring it... He doesn't have many other blankets anyway and most of them will probably end up contributing to a pillow fort or the other hermits...

He folds the blanket neatly and packs it in his shulker box before flying off to find more pillows...

Timeskip brought to you by an AFK Keralis-

It's time... Grian sighs quietly before going to change... He chooses a red fluffy jumper that his husband got him for Christmas along with a pair of navy leggings that fit him quite well... Grian gently binds his wings with bandages before pulling on a white t-shirt... He then slips the fluffy jumper on and hugs himself slightly as he smells the familiar scent of EX... Or better known to him as Xanthus Void... His husband...

After pulling on his elytra and shoving the shulker box into his inventory (which is already quite crammed with more pillows and blankets) he grabs a few fireworks and shoots off into the setting sun...

Imma leave it here for now and make a part 2 later 😅 hope you enjoyed this as I feel like I've improved my writing skills a bit 😁 thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!

-Flamingo Girl WP

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