I'm WHAT!? Part 2- Grian

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Please not that the following chapter is entirely fictional and is in no way related to the IRL Grian... Also please note that all ships here are fictional and are the Minecraft personas not the IRL people.

Refresher: So basically this is an au where Grian is ftm trans but never had bottom surgery. He gets r@p3d and ends up pregnant... He worries about whether he should tell the hermits or not...

Previously: Xisuma sits on the edge of the bed and gently rubs circles on my back as I cry... I eventually stop crying and wipe away the worst of the tears... I mean... On the plus side... Xeri will get the sibling she wanted... On the negative side... How am I going to explain this to Xera? Or Yanesha? Or... Dare I even think that he's somehow out of the ban void... Xenrus?

I let out a small smile before saying..."At least Xeri will get a sibling..." I stop suddenly before slowly covering my mouth... Shit... I forgot X was here...

"Grian... Who is Xeri?"

I bite my lip nervously...

Crap... How the heck do I explain that he's an uncle??? How do I explain that me and Xenrus had a child???

"Um... No-one?" I say slightly hopeful...

"No Grian... Don't lie to me... Who is Xeri?" Xisuma says sternly...

"Fine" I say reluctantly "first off... Her name is Xeri... Xeri Charles-Void... Second off she may or may not be my daughter and your niece?" I say hesitantly...

"What-" Xisuma stares at me blankly... At a loss for words...

"How?" Is all he says...

"Xanthus?" I say hesitantly before shifting...


I roll my eyes before glaring at Xisuma... "First off Xanthus goes by they/them... Secondly... I'm their husband!"

Xisuma stares at me before an angry look comes over his face... "He brainwashed you..." He says angrily... "Nobody should EVER have a romantic relationship with him..."

I simply sigh frustratededly before saying "Stop misgendering them... Also... I DO love Xanthus... I loved him since I met him in high school... I LOVED HIM SINCE THE DAY HE STOPPED ME FROM TAKING MY OWN LIFE!!" by now I am half crying half yelling at Xisuma which shocks him... I never yell if I can help it... And I certainly never cry...

Xisuma stares at me for a moment as tears pour down my face...

"If you can't accept the fact that your brother loves someone... What sort of brother are you? What sort of brother are you for sending them to the void when they were CLEARLY under an external forces control? What sort of brother punishes an innocent person?" I say while wiping away some of my tears... "And if you can't accept that they are happy and have a happy HEALTHY family... What kind of person are you?"

Xisuma just stands there... Completely shocked... He stands there and thinks of all the times his brother has helped him...

"Xisuma c'mon! You're gonna be late for the bus!"

Xisuma has just fallen out of a tree and has hurt his knee badly... "Suma... It's ok... I'm here" he slowly stops crying as Xanthus heals the wound...

"Xanthus!" Xisuma says while giggling "stop ittt" Xisuma says as Xanthus tickles him after Xisuma had a bad day at school...

Xisuma is roughly shoved inside a locker... "HEY! BACK AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!" Xanthus yells at the bullies who immediately flee... "You alright Suma?" Xanthus asks after the bullies have run...

"Xelqua forbid... I really have been a jerk haven't I?" Xisuma mumbles after snapping out of his trance...

"So what are you going to do about it Xisuma..." I ask quietly... "Are you going to let them suffer and never find out what happened to me? Or are you going to be the strong admin you are and help your brother?" I say softly...

"I-" Xisuma stares at the ground for a moment before pulling up an admin screen... He presses a button and types in a code before the alert

<Player: EvilXisuma now: Unbanned>

Comes up on everyone's communicators...

I nod towards Xisuma before stepping back as a beam of light appears... Slowly a man with similar armour design to Xisuma's but in red begins appearing...

About three minutes later the white haired red clad clone of Xisuma is laying on the floor... I brush their cheek before gently picking them up... I then lay them on the bed before sitting next to them and staring at them with hopeful eyes... I gently play with their hair before giving them a light kiss on the forehead...

777 words! What now-

About half an hour later...

I watch the sleeping form next to me on my bed so cautiously... They're breathing but just not awake...

Just as I think this a soft coughing sound alerts me to their consciousness... I smile softly before stepping over to my enderchest and pulling out a mask that is very similar to Xisuma's...

I gently put it on them before sighing happily... I smile as their crimson red eyes flutter open before locking onto mine and staring at me in disbelief...

"G-Gri?" Is all they say... I nod before gently kissing their forehead... "Hey... Xan..." I say softly before laying down next to them and hugging them gently...

"I missed you Xan..." I say before giving them another gentle kiss...

Xanthus stares at me for a moment before they start to cry gently... They lean into my hug and cry as I hold them...

After about twenty minutes they stop crying and slowly sit up...

"How did I get out of the void?" They ask hesitantly... "I thought I was banned..."

"You were... Thankfully someone came to their senses..." I say softly... It is then that they notice Xisuma...

"What-" they say before pausing for a moment... "Xisuma..." They say slowly...

"Hello... Brother..."

990 words

Hiii! So yeah... There's going to be a part three of this... I am struggling to write this all in two parts... Anyways the next part will be where EX or Xanthus finds out that Grian was r@p3d and is pregnant... I hope you guys/girls/they/thems are enjoying this and I look forward to seeing your comments! Thanks for reading and I will see you next update!
-Flamingo Girl WP

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