Babying -Grian angst GEX?

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It's late at night and all the hermits are asleep. Except a certain pesky bird who is very much awake and definitely having an anxiety attack now he knows nobody is awake.

As he continues to sob silently while trying to breathe he becomes aware of his fiance's presence. In the form of feeling the familiar warmth of them wrapping him in a gentle embrace.

Grian continues to cry silently but calms down slightly in his fiance's arms. He lays his head against their chest and listens to their heartbeat as he continues to calm down.

A few minutes pass before he stops crying fully and looks up into his fiance's ruby red eyes.

"Thanks." He says quietly before leaning his head back on their chest.

"No problem love. Do you want to tell me what was bothering you?" His fiance 'Evil' Xisuma says gently.

Grian nods silently. "It's just, the hermits all baby me and tease me by talking to me in baby talk because I'm short." He says quietly.

"Love, I know how you are feeling right now. Just know that being short isn't a bad thing and I will always love you no matter what." EX says softly before planting a gentle kiss on Grian's forehead.

Grian sighs quietly. "I know. It's just makes me feel insecure. Especially since I'm short because of what happened in the past." He says sadly

EX purses their lips slightly in annoyance at the hermits. "I know love. You were turned at 16. It's not your fault. It's the watchers faults." They say softly

Grian nods silently before yawning slightly. He then lays his head on EX's chest and falls asleep almost instantly. EX smiles and picks him up gently.

They carry him over to the bed and lay him in it carefully before tucking him in and giving him a kiss on the forehead. They then check the time and are surprised to see it's early morning.

EX smiles slightly and checks Grian is asleep before slipping out of the hobbit hole and taking off silently by using his natural wings.

They fly towards Xisumas base and touch down silently before sneaking in to find the admin.

They sneak around for a few minutes before finding their brother in his bedroom working on the code.

EX slips in unnoticed and sneaks up to Xisuma. They get about a metre away from him before they stop and clear their throat.

Xisuma looks up from the code and upon seeing who it is his eyes widen. "Evil X. What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in the void" Xisuma says calmly.

EX sighs quietly. "We need to talk..."

Part 2 coming out soon!

I'm back b*tches bros and non-binary peoples! I am alive! An extreme insomniac but meh! I've been away for about a month now... Yikes... But yeah! I'm going back to school soon so either more updates and less sleep or no updates and less sleep! fUnN! Any(g)ways I will see you when I decide to do a part 2 to this! Also I'm taking requests now so if you want your ideas write a comment with a title for the Oneshot and a basic explanation of the story!
-No shipping with people who don't want to be shipped! (Xisuma)
-No shipping people IRL! I only do the characters!
-No NSFW/Lemon
-Has to be about Grian/Feature Grian

That's all for today folks! See y'all next update!
-Flamingo Girl WP

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