Ender Dragon Issues - Doc and Grian

898 22 13

Hello! 👋 I am alive! Anyways... Basically this is season 9 of hermitcraft and Doc's Ender Dragon has gotten out of it's barrier that Doc set up... The dragon starts wreaking havoc on the server and Grian ends up stopping it. Sorry if this is a bit cringey bc I rarely watch Doc and don't really know how he acts...

Doc POV:

It's early in the morning on the hermitcraft server... I yawn a large yawn before looking over my massive perimeter...

I smile at the large hole that reaches bedrock level before I grab my elytra and a few rockets and fly down to my tunnel bore...

I glare frustratededly at the massive WE'RE SORRY that the two idiots made before rolling my eyes...

I then head to the massive pile of diamond blocks and mine it... I then grab the shulker boxes and shove the balloons and Jellie ears in one before shoving them into my inventory and grabbing a few rockets...

I shoot through the tunnel and fly up high at the exit before looping around and heading towards the large G.O.A.T flag...

I land gently on the platform before looking up at the dragon that is flying around the pole... I fly up to a block that I put there before chucking a few pieces of meat towards the dragon... The dragon flies around and catches it in the air before resuming it's flight loop... I watch it for a bit before noticing something...

Is it just me or is the dragon getting too close to the barrier?

I watch for a second more before the large dragon suddenly stops it's flight loop and breaks through the barrier... I watch in horror as it flies over the perimeter for a minute before spotting me... It immediately beelines straight for me...

I let out a shout of fear before jumping off of the block and spreading the folds of my elytra... I rummage through my inventory and pull out about ten fireworks... I immediately shoot one and zoom away from the dragon before opening my communicator mid flight...

<Docm77> guys help!

<Xisuma> what's wrong?

<Docm77> Dragon's loose and following me!

<Grian> oh dear

<Docm77> please help! I only have 9 rockets left!

<Xisuma> omw!

<Grian> same!

I close my communicator before glancing behind me... I let out a yelp as the dragon is right on my tail... I quickly shoot another rocket before turning towards Grian's base...

I land awkwardly on the platform that is the back of Grian's base... I then run quickly towards the front and hide behind a few of the rocks... I then pull up my communicator screen and quickly type...

<Docm77> am hiding in G's base

<Docm77> around one of weird floating rocks

<Grian> K I know where you are

<Grian> do you have your trident?

<Docm77> yeah?

<Grian> good

<Grian> look for a red concrete block and chuck your trident at it

<Docm77> what

<Docm77> is it going to do anything?

<Grian> yes

<Grian> it'll open my secret base for a bit

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