Babying Part 2- Griangst- Slight GEX?

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EX sighs quietly. "We need to talk..."

"About what? The fact you tried to kill me? That you tried to destroy the server? That you're back for revenge?" Xisuma says bluntly yet angrily. EX flinches slightly.

"Look I'm sorry ok?" They say desperately. "I never wanted to do those things!"

"What in the name of Xelqua do you mean you didn't want to do them? You blatantly admitted to attempting to destroy the server and kill me!" Xisuma says back.

"I-" EX remains quiet for a few minutes. "I never wanted to do the things I did. I was forced to." They say quietly as they look at the ground.

"Evil X I-"

"Save it. And Evil X isn't my name. You know that." They say quietly.

They remain silent for a moment before looking back up at Xisuma

"I came here for a reason. So let me explain that reason without having to have a whole argument with you."

Xisuma nods silently, still processing his siblings words.

"I came to you to ask you to call a meeting with all the hermits but Grian. You all need to know something important about him." EX says firmly.

"Wh- How do you know Grian? He wasn't even invited to the server when you were a part of it." Xisuma says in confusion.

"That will be explained at the meeting but for ✨P L O T  A R M O R✨ I shall tell you."

"Jeez sorry" EX says sarcastically
"No you're not." The voice says back in displeasure.
"Lemme fix this-"

Reloading scene!


*Author (Flamingo Girl WP) has left the chapter*

"That'll be explained in the meeting but because you're my brother and I don't want to get banned again I'll tell you." EX says hesitantly... They pause for a minute before speaking again.

"Grian is kind of my fiance?" EX says nervously

"He's your WHAT!?" Xisuma says in complete shock. "H-How?"

"Well... You know how I was shipped off to Japan at one point? We met there... Reunited a few years later after high school went down and began dating... I proposed about 4 months ago and the wedding is planned for next month I believe." EX says.

"I- whatever... So long as you're not destroying the server it's alright I guess..." Xisuma says hesitantly...

"Thanks..." EX says quietly...

Timeskip brought to you by me having to fix the fourth wall

"Why are we here X?" Doc says from the crowd of all the hermits minus Grian.

"Well... I think it's best if I let them explain..." Xisuma says before EX steps onto the stage beside their brother...

A wave of shocked reactions is heard and seen as hermits gasp, get into a defensive position or stare at EX.

"What is he doing here?" Doc hisses angrily.

EX just looks away in shame...

"Doc calm down... They aren't going to hurt us... Also please refer to EX as a They/Them..." Xisuma says calmly

"Calm down? How are you so sure they aren't here to harm us? How do you know they won't try to trick us, to trick you again?" Doc hisses in anger...

"I promise I mean no harm... I want to live here on the server instead of destroying it... But this isn't about me right now... It's about what you are all doing to him" EX says quietly...

"Who's this him you're talking about?" Doc says in suspicion...

"Grian..." EX says quietly... A hush fills the room... All the hermits in shock or confused... How does EX know Grian? What does EX mean by what they're doing to him?

"Wait..." Stress says in realisation... "Don't tell me... We've been hurting him mentally... Haven't we?" She says quietly...

EX nods silently. Stress stares at the ground for a minute or two.

"But how?" She mumbles to herself quietly...

EX notices everyone's confusion and shifts slightly. Doing so gets attention back on them.

"You are all confused and I can tell that... So let me explain..." EX says calmly

"Me and Grian met in high school. We were in the same class until he changed schools for witness protection... We reunited a year or so later... I don't know if any of you remember season 2 or 3 where I was off the server for a week at maximum? I was visiting Grian in his server... But anyway... I would visit Grian whenever I was free to. We ended up friends. When he was in witness protection he had seen some stuff... Stuff a 14 to 16 year old shouldn't have seen or ended up mixed with... When he was 17 a curse was cast on him... He is immortal and can only die of himself or old age... But his body stopped growing... I can tell you all know where I'm going with this..." EX explains calmly before taking a breath...

"We teased him about being short and looking like a child..." Scar says quietly...

EX nod slightly... "Grian is self conscious about his height and how he looks so young... You all teasing him makes it worse... I worked with him for about 3 years before I started to get progress... But you lot teasing him about being short or a child causes the self worth I spent ages forcing back in him goes down the drain faster then you say "Short Boi"
Or some other form of 'joke' about him it crumbles the self worth I have spent ages reinstalling in him... He's come to me too many times, crying because he keeps getting teased and called short." EX says quietly

"And how are we supposed to know you're not lying?" Doc says defensively. He's not willing to believe that Groan of all people would have trauma.

"Because I was there. I have been by his side since we were 10. He trusts me in everything. Hell his favourite colour used to be green before we got together. So don't tell me I'm lying when you know nothing about him" EX says coldly.

"Now if you don't mind I have a fiancé to calm down" EX says before disappearing in a flash of red light that has a tiny tint of gold in it.

"Fiancé- WHAT!?" A fair few of the hermits say in unison

Hiya y'all
Yes I have been missing for a while
Yes this is getting updated
Yes the updates are slow
I had to take a break from writing for a while as my mental health has been a bit messy lately and I've been busy with other stuff-
Also I've sort of gotten into another fandom (Genshin Impact) and I've been busy saving my primos for Wanderer's banner which I've pulled on 63 times and have to pull another 27 times before my 50/50.
Praying to the Genshin gods because I need wanderer so badly as I need him for a specific part in a quest that I can't get through-

Sorry I sort of rambled there XD
Anyways it might be a couple of weeks before I get back to writing.
Cya for now and thanks for reading!
-Flamingo Girl WP

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