1. Ahjushii🤭

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6:00 am

A man in his late 20s woke up at the sound of alarm. After getting freshen up, he wore his track pants, tees and sports shoes and left for jogging.

He was jogging at fast pace, not giving a shit at the yelling of his hyung.

YG- Yahhh, Jeon Jungkook wait for me.

He stopped for a while and turned back at his hyung.

JK- If you are slow then that's not my concern hyung.

Saying this, Jk resumed his jogging leaving behind sulking YG.

After a while, both sat at the bench catching their breathe.

YG- Aishh, why the hell you always drag me with you for this f**king shit.

Jk- Taking care of your health is not some f**king shit hyung.

YG rolled his eyes at Jk and got busy in his phone.

JK- Come on let's head towards home now. I might get late for college.

Both stood up and left for their house.

Jk and YG entered the house and was welcomed by some delicious smell.

YG ran into the kitchen and back hugged his Eomma.

YG- My lovely Eomma, my pretty Eomma. What are you making for your cute son?

Jin- I am making your favourite Misal pav and Bunny's favourite chicken sandwich.

YG- Yeahhh, thank you so much Eomma. (he kissed Jin's cheeks)

Jk saw his hyung being too much clingy to his eomma.

JK- Hyung, she is our Eomma. We must respect her and stop being this much touchy with her.

YG was about to say something, but was cut by his Appa's words.

NJ- Jungkook is right Yoongi. Jin is your Eomma and not your wife to be this clingy and touchy with her.

YG's face saddened. He left go of Jin and went towards his room silently. Jin felt bad for her son, but can't do anything as she knows how her husband and younger son is.

Jin- Namjoonshii I have prepared your breakfast. Please sit and I will serve you.

NJ hummed at Jin's words and asked Jk to join at the breakfast table fast.

Jin arranged breakfast on the table. Till then Jk and YG arrived all dressed up and sat on their respective seats.

Misal pav

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Misal pav

Misal pav

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