22. Baby 😢

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It's been a month Tae started going to college. Everything's going pretty fine. No one teased her hereafter. And even if someone did, her bestie was enough to handle them.

Right now Tae is studying as her exams are nearing while Jk is doing his work on laptop. Tae stood up to fetch her book from the table but instantly sat down as she felt sudden dizziness.

Jk- What happened? Are you alright?

Tae- Yes. It's nothing.

Tae took her book and got back to her studying. After studying for more 3 hours, both went back to sleep.

Next day, Tae and Jin are preparing breakfast for everyone. Jin feed a bite of pancake to Tae to check whether it's perfect or not. But Tae felt sudden urge to puke. She started throwing whatever she ate or drank. Jin rubbed Tae's back while holding her hair backwards.

Jin- Tae are you not well? Shall I tell bunny to take you to doctor?

Tae- No Eomma I am fine. Maybe just morning sickness.

Jin- Okay, but if your aren't well then please visit the doctor once.

Tae nodded at Jin's words and got back to cooking. They served breakfast to everyone and after having their own, Tae left for the college along with Jk.

Jk noticed Tae's face is all pale and she looks really tired. He kept his hand on her thigh, caressing it.

Jk- Taehyung if you are not well then take a day off from college.

Tae- No, I am alright. I can't miss college as exams are approaching.

Jk- Okay, but if you don't feel good in the college then inform me.

Tae hummed at Jk's words. Soon they reached the college and went to their respective class. When Tae entered the class, she noticed Jm's is groaning from pain while holding her stomach. She immediately rushed to her.

Tae- Jiminaa what happened? You don't look good.

Jm- Taehyungaa, I am on my periods and this stomach aches like hell. I can't handle this pain.

Tae- Ohh, okay. (said casually, but then widened her eyes at the realisation)

Tae's pov.

Ohh no. It's been more than 30 days, I didn't got my periods. No, no, no. I don't want it to be true.

Tae was standing infront of Jimin all nervous. Sweat started forming on her face.

Jm- Taehyungaa are you on your periods too? You too don't look good to me.

Tae didn't said anything. She pulled Jm's hand and walked out of the college and went to a nearby medical shop to purchase the necessary item.


Both are now standing in the college bathroom waiting for something. After a while, the thing which Tae saw dommed her. Tears started forming in her eyes.

 Tears started forming in her eyes

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