25. Do you love me? 🤭

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Next day Jeon's got ready to get back to their house. Tae was silent all this while. She accepted her fate and was ready for whatever is gonna come.

NJ- Now we all must leave. (said to Jin, Yg and Jk)

Jk- Taehyung pack your bags. You are coming with us.

NJ looked at Jk with rage filled eyes.

NJ- What are you saying Jungkook? Why would she come with us?

Jk- She is my wife Appa. I can't leave her alone.

NJ- Did you forgot what mistake she did? She killed your baby Jungkook.

Jk- I know but that doesn't mean I will leave her. She is coming with us and that's final.

NJ- But I can't accept this girl in my family. She killed our heir and still you want to continue this marriage with her. Did you forgot, you yourself said that you will give her divorce.

Jk- I know Appa, but I wasn't in my right mind at that time. I can't divorce her for one mistake.

NJ- But I won't allow her to even enter my house. She is a sinner.

Jk- Then I will leave the house with my wife.

NJ looked at Jk with wide shocked eyes. This is the first time Jk back answered him. He never thought he will ever go beyond his decision.

NJ- You are going against me just because of this girl. How could you Jungkook? I raised you, fulfilled all your wishes and today you are taking this girl's side who even hurted you. Why?

Jk- I am really grateful for whatever you did for me Appa, but marriage is not some kind of game to get into it and end it whenever we want.

NJ- Do whatever the f**k you want.

Saying this NJ left the house and got into his car.

Jk turned to look at Jin.

Jk- Eomma please help her in packing.

Jin nodded his head and took Tae to her bedroom. She packed Tae's clothes and all the necessary stuffs and came downstairs.

Jk went towards Tae. He grabbed her bang in one hand and grabbed Tae's hand in other and walked outside of the house. He placed her bangs in his car and asked her to sit inside. He sat on the driver's seat and drove to Jeon's house. NJ, Jin and Yg came in Yg's car.

Jk is completely focused on driving. He didn't glanced at Tae while Tae's eyes are fixed on Jk.

Tae- Jungkookshii I had my own reasons for taking such big step. I know I should have discussed about the baby with you but I couldn't.

Jk- It's okay. What happened is happened. Let's not talk about it.

Tae- But............

Jk- Please Taehyung stop thinking about that again and again.

Tae didn't said anything and diverted her gaze to other direction.

Soon they reached the house. Jk took Tae's bags and walked inside along with Tae. NJ, Jin and YG had already reached the house. When NJ saw Tae entering the house, it angered him.

NJ- Look who's here, A bloody sinner. (said while chuckling)

Jk- Appa please.

NJ- Why feeling so sad for your so called wife, huh?

Jk- If you don't want us to live here then I will soon leave this house.

NJ banged his hand on the table harshly and went inside his room.

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