3. Tae weds Jk??

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Tae and Jm both got ready in hurry and left for the college.

Hopefully they reached college on time and sat on their respective seats.

Jk entered the class and begun with his teaching. This time as well he asked many questions in the class and most of the time picked Tae or Jm to answer the same.

Jm was most of the time silent as she didn't knew much about finance and she wasn't even paying attention to Jk's lecture, but Tae was the one who surprised Jk a lot. Whatever question he asked her, she answered correctly with full confidence.

Jk- Okay, class that's it for today. Study whatever I taught and let's meet tomorrow.

Saying this he left the class.

Jm- Aishh, I think that khadus is taking revenge from us by asking us hard questions.

Tae- Yeah, khadus Ahjushii.

Both laughed at the word Ahjushii.

Tae- Jiminaa tomorrow I won't be coming to college, cuz I have to attend an important wedding with Dad.

Jm- Who's wedding?

Tae- I don't know, maybe dad's business partner I guess.

Jm- Is it necessary to go? You can stay at my house. We both won't attend college tomorrow.

Tae- I am also not interested in going to the wedding, but dad requested me a lot and I couldn't deny him.

Jm- Okay, then you go. But I also won't attend college. (every bestie thing😉)

Tae reached home after her college ended. She saw her dad sitting on couch and busy with some work. She sneakily went behind him and kept hands on his eyes.

Mr Kim- Princess do you really think I can't recognize you?

Tae removed her hands from Mr Kim's eyes and stood infront of him pouting angrily.

Tae- Dada this is not fair. I thought to surprise you, but you recognized me.

Mr Kim pulled Tae towards him and made her sit beside him.

Mr Kim- Aww, I am sorry Princess next time onwards, I will really try to act as surprised.

Tae side hugged her father and he too wrapped his hand around her shoulder.

Mr Kim- Btw what are you gonna wear tomorrow?

Tae- Offcourse dada a beautiful gown.

Mr Kim- Again gown? No, this time I wanna see my Princess in saree.

Tae- Dada I am not some aunty to wear saree at wedding even aunties have stopped wearing sarees now.

Mr Kim- Princess please, can't you even do this much for your dada? (showed puppy eyes to her)

Tae- Ufff dada no need to show me these puppy eyes. I will wear saree tomorrow. Happy?

Mr Kim- Yes. Thank you my baby. Btw get freshen up fast and after that go in the kitchen, I made your favourite Gulab jamun.

Tae widened her eyes at the word Gulab jamun.

Tae- DADA YOU ARE THE BEST. I LOVE YOU. (she screamed)


Tae was getting ready for the wedding function. She was pleating her saree, that's when her phone started ringing.

Tae- Ufff, I am sure it's Jiminee pabo.

She grabbed her saree pleats in one hand and picked the phone with other.

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