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It was a bright and sunny day on Whale Island, not like any other day, since it's always so sunny and hot there. Killua was visiting Gon, his best friend/boyfriend, they've been doing long distance, talking over the phone every night and day just checking up on each other, but now Killua has his time off, he decided to meet Gon, this will also be his second time visiting Whale Island, he's only been once before, but hasn't seen many other sights yet.

They were walking down by the docks, where it also has cafes and shops. A lot of boats were docking up, and one of them was a female cruise. Killua remembered what Gon told him before, that a lot of women stop by this place, Gon doesn't mind it however, Killua gets a feeling that it's just.....weird. Why would a massive group of women pull up at a tiny island like this? Either they could be visiting family? Or maybe they have boyfriends over here? Who knows.

Killua noticed that a lot of women started eyeing him and Gon, mostly because of Gon, they were probably staring at Killua because of his shiny white hair, no one has ever seen that type of colour hair before.

Killua growled at some ladies, who were passing by, but Killua knew they were only walking passed them to glare at Gon, he can't be fooled. Killua sped walk up to Gon and started pushing him "K-Killua what are you doing?" Gon gasped, "stop! I'm gonna slip!" He yelled "it's hot out I wanna find some shade" Killua lied "ohh ok" Gon said and took Killua to a cafe.

Killua couldn't even relax in a cafe, a lot of youngsters were eyeing him and Gon, he heard them whisper "aww he's so cute" or "aww he's such a cutie, I wonder if he got his good looks from his dad" which made Killua feel sick to his stomach, they're children for heaven's sake.

Some women recognised Gon, and said "hey isn't that the famous Hunter, Ging's kid? He looks just like him!"

Gon didn't pay any attention to what the people were saying, in fact, he probably didn't even hear them at all, he was too busy eating. But Killua on the other hand, was literally on the verge of punching one of them in the face, but he kept it to himself.

Gon noticed Killua was feeling unbothered by something, "hey Killua, you ok?" He asked "can we go somewhere else? All these people are driving me crazy" he whispered, Gon finished his sandwich and nodded in confusion, he asked for the bill.

It was now sunset and the boys decided to go back to Gon's house. "You alright? You've been acting strange all day" Gon said as they sat down in his room.

Killua looked to the floor, "I'm sorry it's just.... I kept hearing these group of ladies talk about you, saying how handsome you are and how cute you look, but they're so much older than you and you're only 14! I just found it kinda weird...I'm sorry if i ruined our date" Killua said. Gon smiled and leaned his head on Killua's shoulder "you did nothing wrong, I get why you're concerned but it's ok, they won't actually do anything to harm me, I had these kind of compliments a lot but they never did anything to me, it may seem weird but I just ignore it, because I have my eyes for only one person, and that's you Killua" Gon says. Killua blushes "there you go again, saying embarrassing things" he muttered "but you know I mean it" Gon beamed "yeah.....I do".

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