~Memory Loss~

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A/N: I felt like writing something angsty 😎

Gon rushed into the hospital like his life depended on it, but it wasn't his life he was rushing for, it was Killua's.

Apparently that morning when Killua went out grocery shopping, he accidentally got hit by a car, and people on the street called the ambulance, luckily they just made it in time, but he was having a hard time breathing and apparently has a broken neck and arms.

Gon signed himself in at the reception desk and went to the room where his beloved is.

Once he got there, the doctor turned to him and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Are you Gon?" He asks, Gon manages to catch his breath, panting with his hands on his knees, "yes that's me, is Killua ok?!" Gon says with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Well I have some good news and bad news. Which one would you like to start off with first?" The doctor said.

"Good news..." Gon says hesitantly.

The doctor nodded. "The good news is that he's still alive and his breathing is stable, but the bad news is.....when he woke up we ran a few tests with him he doesn't remember anything, apart from who he is, so don't come in shock when he doesn't recognise you".

Gon gasped slightly, tears were threatening to come out, but he didn't wanna cry in front of a doctor, so he shook the feeling off and bravely stepped into the room.

When Gon came into the room he saw Killua lying in bed, hooked up to many machines and lots of bandages.

Gon takes a deep breath and sits on the stool that's near Killua's bed. 

"Hey Killua..." Gon says softly, he tried to grab Killua's hand but Killua hesitantly pulled it away. "Who are you?" He asked, looking at the black haired boy in front of him, with confused eyes.

Gon's breath hitched a bit, his lip quivering, 'who are you?' He knew Killua wouldn't remember him, yet it still hurts, but he's gonna try his best with all his power, to make Killua remember.

"I'm your partner..." Gon says gently , taking Killua's hand again but only this time he didn't pull away. This boy seemed familiar but he can't remember his name or what he meant to him.

"Partner?" Killua said in confusion. "Yes! I'm your boyfriend but...you probably don't remember me.." Gon says quietly, looking down into his lap.

"I want to remember..." Killua suddenly spoke up, a bit too loudly, but his eyes showed determination, and Gon was happy to see that.

"I may not remember you or what I'm doing here, I don't remember anything really but, you seem familiar and I have this familiar feeling in my heart, I don't know what it is but-"

Gon stopped Killua mid-sentence and patted him on the head, playing with his hair. "Don't worry, lucky for you I know everything about you, I will tell you everything you need to know. Ok?" Gon says and Killua slowly nods with a tiny smile.

If this means loving you all over again.....then I wouldn't mind.....baby steps....baby steps.

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