~What's This Feeling?~

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I never doubted my family's rules and methods when I was younger until I grew older and wiser, I finally realised that my family isn't normal, sure they are a bunch of elite assassins, but other then that I mean behaving like normal parents would do.

They never showed me affection or love, sad I know, maybe they did but in their own kind of crazy way. Everyone adored me and I'm not even bragging, it was just because I was the strongest they've seen in a while. That's all and nothing less.

They expect me to become the heir, fat chance. So I ran away from home. Or so I use to call it.

Ever since I met Gon I could tell he was way different from me. I was intrigued. He seemed to have a happy dandy life, that was until he told me his dad left him as an infant. I never knew, but he told me that he doesn't dwell on that and is happy with the people taking care of him now. His Aunt and Grandmother.

"Love? You wanna know about love?" I was sat in Leorio's office, he recently became a doctor like he's always dreamed of and I'm happy for him, but I still have no clue of what I wanna do. You must be thinking why on earth would I come to Leorio for love advice? Well I tried reaching out to Kurapika and as usual he never picks up, so I'm stuck with him, but when he's not being a dumb dumb he can be pretty wise.

"What brought this on?" Leorio asked.

"Answer my question first, doofus!" I snapped and pouted, I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment.

"Ok first of all try and not break my chair, it wasn't cheap, and secondly we're buds man! You don't have to be ashamed!" He said.

I was swinging around on the spinning chair.

"Who said I was ashamed? I'm just curious because my family never taught me!" I said.

Leorio rubbed his chin.

"Love...in my opinion it can be many different forms, but if you're talking about romance then that's a whole other-"

"Tell me..." I cut him off.

Leorio blinked for a few seconds then smirked.

"It's about Gon isn't it?"

I blushed.

"I never said it was!" I hissed.

"Actions speak louder than words kid. What do you feel around Gon?" He asked.

I thought for a moment.

"I know he's my first friend so of course I will feel happy around him, he's given me so much, but there's this other feeling I can't quite put my hands on. When I look at him....its like looking at an angel...he's so bright. And my heart it goes crazy-"

"Ok imma stop you there I've heard enough" Leorio interrupted me.

"W-what? I wasn't finished!" I said in confusion.

"I don't need you to finish, just by describing Gon as an angel is clear as day. You're in love with him" he said.

I paused for a moment. Me? In love with Gon? I blushed at the thought, I squeaked and hid my face in my hands.

"Look kid I know it's scary but you can't bottle up your feelings. Maybe you can confess to him?" Leorio suggested.

"But what if he doesn't like me back?! I don't know if he's even into guys! I'm still even questioning myself!-"

"Killua slow down! You overreacting is giving me a headache! Forget about labels and all that! Love is love. You can't deny it, and if he doesn't like you back then it's his loss. But I'm pretty sure that won't be the case".

I cannot believe what's coming out of Leorio's mouth right now. Where did these words of wisdom come from?

I sighed.

"How would you know?" I said quietly.

"I have a hunch, but I suggest you go and find out for yourself" Leorio grinned at me.

I smiled back.

"Whatever you say old man" I got off my seat and walked out the door.

"I'm still not old!" I hear Leorio cry out.

I chuckle.

{A/N: wise words from Dr. Leorio! Never deny your feelings} 🙃

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