~Why?~ pt.2

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After a while you told me that you found out Coco cheated on you, you went back to her, obviously you love her. Even though she did break your heart. I was so angry, but it wasn't my place to say anything, it's your life, but I can't help but feel like something is wrong.

One day you asked me to come over to meet her, I was a bit nervous, actually scratch that I was very nervous.

I shook off the negative thoughts and went towards your house.

I knocked on the door a few times but no one answered, until a girl with bright orange hair almost like Mito's opened the door for me, I'm assuming she's Coco.

"Oh hey you must be  Killua! Come on in" she welcomes me inside, it's not like I've been to your house before I thought "yeah thanks" was all I said and stepped inside.

I saw you running down the stairs, you looked so handsome i thought I was gonna pass out right then and there, you looked so grown up and matured, although you still have some of that 12 year old Gon in yourself from a long time ago.

You ran up to me and gave me a massive hug, "Killua! Killua! I'm glad you're here!" You squealed, and I hugged you back "me too" I say in return.

After a while of chatting together and playing games, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, Coco is actually a nice girl, but she may have some issues, I mean she cheated on you yet you still stay with her, I don't understand why.

Once I got out of the bathroom, I came back into the living room, and saw you guys making out. I blushed in embarrassment and stomped over.

"Really?!" I yelled as my face was covered in red, you guys stopped doing what you were doing and looked at me, startled.

"I-I'm sorry Killua..." You mumbled as you scratched the back of your head.

I sigh and put my hands in my pockets. "I think I should go now, my sister just called me" I lied, I just don't wanna feel like the third wheel anymore.

As I walked out the door you followed and closed it behind you. "Killua wait!" You cried, I turned around with an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry you had to see that...it's just-"

"It's not that Gon!!!" I yelled. You stood there in silence.

"Do you know how it feels to watch you with that cheater? It hurts me! Why are you still with her?!"

"Killua...why you so mad? I'm with her because I love her"

"Do you Gon? Do you? She cheated on you with a different person, don't you feel angry or disgusted?"

"You're right..." you muttered quietly, I saw tears dripping down your face. "I just wanna be a good boyfriend, but even in my first relationship I get cheated on...I don't know if I even love Coco anymore" you broke down crying, I went up to hug you.

"I'm gonna break up with her.." You whisper

"Yeah? Then what?..." I ask

You looked up at me in my eyes, you hesitantly, very slightly, gave me a kiss on the cheek. I stood there in shock.

You laughed, "maybe we can do something?" You said as you took my hand, I smile "I would love that Gon".

You gave me one  of your signature grins and kissed my hand.

"I've always loved you Killua...I was just too confused" you confessed.

"I've loved you, since the day we met" I say.

"Oh Killua..."

You hugged me, that was probably the best day of my life.

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