~I Don't Wanna Fight You~

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Gon and Killua were in Heaven's Arena, to try and earn some money and also Gon wants to give Hisoka some payback from the Hunter Exam.

It was their last week here, they were sharing a room this time.

Killua just got out of the shower that came with the room. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist. He shook his white fluffy hair to get the water off. He then heard Gon giggle.

"Hm, what's so funny?" He teases as he went to pick up his clothes from the bed.

"You looked like a cat, shaking the water off you" Gon says.

Killua chuckles "heh why do people compare me to cats I don't get it" he puts on his black jumper.

"Hey Killua..." Gon spoke.


"My match starts soon doesn't it?" Gon said.

"Oh crap it does! Get ready quickly!" Killua gasps dramatically as he now sped up the process of changing and was struggling to get into his purple jeans.

After a couple of minutes later the boys were now sitting in the waiting room waiting to be called.

Gon was getting nervous, he was swinging his legs up and down and looking at the screen for his number to be called.

"Hey don't worry you'll be fine" Killua noticed that Gon was feeling anxious, he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Easier said than done..." Gon muttered.

"Listen even tho you're only 13, I think you're tougher then all these men in this room combined, they just rely on strength. But you also rely on smarts and strength too" Killua said.

Gon smiles and blushes a bit. "Thanks Killua but I'm nowhere near your level"

"Dude you're talking to a ex-pro assassin here" Killua scoffs playfully and puts his hand to his chest. Gon laughs.

"Number 304 please come to the stadium!" The speaker spoke. Gon looked at his ticket.

"Go get em tiger" Killua nudges Gon in the arm playfully and Gon does it back with a laugh.

"See you..." he said before walking out the door. Killua watches him walk out the door with a huge smile. Until his number was called.

"Guess that's my cue".

Gon was now standing in the ring, waiting for his next opponent.

He heard someone walk up the stairs and gasped. What is Killua doing here?!

When Killua held his head up he immediately noticed Gon, and stopped in his tracks.

"Gon? What are you doing here?" Killua asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing. This is my fight"

The two boys slowly turned their heads to the screen that's showing the fight. It had both their faces on it. Gon VS Killua.

Their heads shot around quickly and looked at each other with worry.

"10 seconds till your match begins!" The referee called out.

Killua put his hand up. "Give us five" he protested.

The referee and the audience looked at him confused, they haven't even started the match yet.

"Well you're supposed to start in 9 seconds so hurry it up" the referee said with impatience and walked out of the ring, ready to prepare their battle.

Killua walked up to Gon and put his hands on both of his shoulders. They were so close.

"Gon we don't have to do this. Let's call it quits" Killua whispers.

Gon gasps slightly. "But how are we gonna earn money ? How am I gonna prove to Hisoka that I can do better?" He whispered-yelled.

Killua sighed. "You and your stubbornness. Look. Forget about Hisoka what's your main goal?"

"Giving Hisoka a taste of his own medicine" Gon answers quickly.

"No! Before that! The reason you became a Hunter" Killua shook his head.

"5 seconds!" The referee called.

"Shut up! I'm talking!" Killua yelled back annoyed.

"To find my dad..." Gon answered.

Killua nods "exactly, don't worry about all this we can earn money elsewhere" Killua strokes Gon's cheek.

"But! No we've come so far Killua!" Gon protests.

"Times up!" The referee called.

Their match has already begun but neither of them moved. Killua pulled Gon into a hug.

"I don't wanna fight you..." Killua whispered.

Gon gripped Killua's back tightly, as he buried his face into his neck. "Me either" he whispered.

"Umm hey you're match-"

"We forfeit. We don't wanna fight each other" Killua interrupted. The crowd gasped.

Gon looked at him fondly.


Killua smiled. "Because Gon means too much for me to fight him." He pulled Gon closer by his waist.

"Killua..." Gon whispers, and they shared a small but loving kiss.

The audience gasped in shock once more.

"Well I guess that's it. Killua and Gon have forfeited so none of them win this match!" The lady cried.

"You're amazing" Gon said in between the kiss.

Killua laughed "let's get out of here ...." He said and took Gon's hand and walked off the ring.

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