~If Gon and Killua Had a Wedding~

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A/N: two one shots in one day?! You lucky ducks 😉
{btw for those who may be confused no this isn't a part 2 from the last one shot this a separate one shot itself, if any of you read my previous one shot} x

It's September 23. The month where Gon and Killua first met during the Hunter Exam, and it just so happened to be on their wedding day.

That's right, after years of dating after their reunion, Gon was the one who in fact asked Killua to marry him and Killua of course said yes.

Currently the two boys were in separate changing rooms. Gon with Kurapika and Killua with Leorio. Kurapika told them that it's bad luck to see the bride/groom before the wedding so they had to wait.

Kurapika was fixing up Gon, doing the last touches and helping him with his bow tie.

Gon looked in the mirror , nervously.

"You'll be fine Gon" as if Kurapika read his mind. He placed his hands on Gon's shoulders and looked at each other in the mirror.

"I know I know! I'm the one who asked and I know he said yes but....i still can't help but feel nervous" Gon said, twiddling with his hands.

"Killua loves you very much, and you have you have your friends and family waiting out there for you with lots of support. I know you have mine and Leorio's" Kurapika reassured him.

Gon smiles "thanks Kurapika you are one of my many good friends and your very wise"

Kurapika smiles softly. "Oh please...most quotes I get are from books I read" he winked and both of them laughed.

"I don't think Killua's family are very supportive" Gon bit his lip.

"Well Killua's dad seemed to be onboard with it and let's not forget Alluka" Kurapika reminded him and Gon nods.

Suddenly the sound of gentle romantic piano music came on and Gon felt his nervousness coming back.

"Gon remember...we're all here for you" Kurapika said quietly. They heard a knock on the door and Leorio popped his head round.

"Your hubby is waiting for you~" Leorio teased and Gon took a deep breath and joined his aunt Mito who was gonna lead him down the aisle.

Everyone stopped and turned around and saw Gon standing there arms linked with his aunt. Everyone smiled with awe. Whilst Killua was gawking at the sight in front of him, little did he know Gon was internally doing the same. By giving Killua a loving smile with both faces flushed, Gon thinking Killua looks so damn fine in his white suit.

Once Gon reached towards Killua his aunt sat back down in the front row with his other friends.

Gon and Killua were now facing each other.

"You look handsome" Gon whispered with a smirk making Killua blush again.

"Thanks....you do too.." Killua said quietly and Gon chuckled.

After the priest introduced Gon and Killua and the speeches and vows it was now time for the rings and Alluka was going to hand them out.

She gave one to her big brother.

"Gon....i don't know where I would be if I haven't met you during the Hunter Exam, you've saved me more time than you think and I owe you a lot. We've been friends for years and now that's soon gonna change, I love you so much, you're like light itself always shining so brightly, and bringing me out of my dark world....i shall now give you this ring as a symbol of our everlasting love" Killua slid the ring on to Gon's finger internally cringing just a little bit inside from his speech but he meant every single word.

Alluka then gave Gon his ring, Gon turned to the audience and saw Leorio trying not to cry and holding up a tissue to his nose and Kurapika and Mito smiling fondly.

He chuckled. "Killua you mean so much to me too. You were my very first friend, your my best friend and now I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you, I love you so much as well, every thing about you, even your cranky side" Gon joked and the audience laughed a bit, Killua pouted "oi" he giggles.

"With this ring I shall give you as a symbol of our everlasting love" Gon continued and slipped the ring on Killua's finger, both smiling at each other.

"I now announce Gon and Killua Freecss married! You may kiss the groom" the priest said and Gon pulled Killua into a passionate kiss and the audience started clapping and cheering.

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