Chapter 4

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Kawhi's POV

Ever since my father passed away I have been emotionally drained. Everyone in my life knows what happen. My classmates ask me how come I don't stay home or why I come to school. If I stayed home all day I would be depress and probably go nuts. I do apperciate all the support from them with all the gifts. I'm not really affectionate so I didn't enjoy being hug from people.

"Kawhi" Tamia yells. I turn around to see Tamia walk up to me. She gives me a really really long hug.

"Tamia let go" I breathe out

"Oh I'm so sorry you just smell really good" Tamia says.

"Uh huh what's going on with you" I say.

"Remember the guy I was telling you about" she says

"Yes I'm remember" I say.

"I'm afraid he's gonna reject me" Tamia cries. I see tears down her face. She looks really hurt . I hope this guy doesn't break her heart

"Look Tamia I know your afraid of rejection, but please stop crying okay" I confess.

"Okay I'm gonna go to the bathroom and clean up" she agrees. I sigh in relief. I hope she fine.

Tamia's POV

I run into the bathroom crying. I'm crying because I love Kawhi so much and it's hard to keep it all in. I don't know what to do. I text Dani she will know what to do.

T: come to the bathroom

D: I'm coming

5 minutes later

"Tamia girl" Dani sass.

"Look I know" I scoffs.

"Well girl just tell him
Your feelings" she scorns. I lose it.


"Okay calm down if you love him so much just tell him you have a right to know" she suggest.

"It's frustrating because I'm afraid he's gonna say I'm just want to be just friends" I cry.

"that may happen but you won't until you try to find out." Tamia say.

"Fine I'm gonna figure out how to tell him" I say

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