Chapter 11

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Tamia's Pov

I'm really excited to go to prom since I am going with Kawhi. My friends Brianna and Dana are going with their boyfriends. I'm also happy Kawhi letting me pick his tux because he doesn't dress up. He said as long as it's not pink he is okay. I am going to text Kawhi.

T: what you doing?

K: i'm watching tv

T: oh okay I picked out tuxedos for you

K: yea about that

T: you don't want 2 go 2 prom

K: no I don't

T: k we don't hav 2

K: really u okay with my decision

T: no I'm really not but whatever

K: I'm not a ppl person

T: I know but prom is going be so much fun

Kawhi's house

"Your really not going" Kawhi says.

"Look I'm not in the mood to go" I say.

"I don't want to either" Kawhi whispers.

"You never want to go anywhere" I reply.

"I'm a home body " He mumbles.

"I just realized that" He gets up and walk away. I see Kawhi leaning aganist the board walk. I wrap my arms around him.

"Hey Tamia" he whispers.

"what's wrong" I say.

"You want to know why I don't want to go to prom" he mumbles.

"yes I do why" I ask.

"my father won't see us it will be too much pain" he mumbles. He starts tearing up. I tell him to turn around which he does I wipe his tears off.

"I understand Kawhi we don't have to go. "

"Okay I will talk to you-" he whispers.

Kawhi's POV

"Tamia! Tamia! mom mom" I yell. She coming running out the door.

"What's wrong why are you yelling" my mom says.

"Tamia I don't know what happen she just fainted into arms." I say. "Okay calm down I'm calling 911." my mom says.

At the hospital

I'm in the waiting room with my mom and I can't stop shaking. My sister grabs my hand.

"Kawhi she's gonna be okay" my sister says.

"Well you remember the last time we were here." I explain.

"Yes terrible day" she says. The nurse comes and her face doesn't look good. Oh gosh.

"How Tamia" Travis asks.

"Tamia is fine but the bad news is she was starving herself" the nurse explains. I can't deal with this I'm leaving.

"Kawhi Kawhi"

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