Chapter 26

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Tamia's POV

It's that time of the year again the playoffs. Hopefully this time Kawhi's season ends on a happy note.  They kids are very excited for the playoffs to start.  The spurs had a great season, they are the number one seed in the playoffs this year. I'm making Kawhi's favorite breakfast eggs benedict. he acts like spolied little brat during the playoffs. He's a bigger baby than Kiara and the twins usually are shaking my head.

"Kawhi breakfast is ready" I said.

"Can you bring it to me please?" he asks.

"Really babe" I yell.

"Yes please" Kawhi yell backs. I bring his food to him, he is watching Friday his favorite movie.

"Are you serious you're watching this mess again?" I roll my eyes.

He glares at me "Bye Felicia" he says.

"Oh no you didn't" I snap

"Yes I did" he snaps back eating his food.

"Do I look like Felicia to you Kawhi" I say.

"No comment" he says. I threw the pillow at him

"You jerk" I yell. He puts his food on the couch.

"Oh you're going down" he says.

We started pillow fighting then Kawhi falls on top of me he leans down to kiss which starts to get heated when "Mommy daddy Eric and Erica have to be picked up from school" Kiara explains.

We pull away and we both sigh with an annoy look on our face. "I will go get them from school cause I won't yell at them." Kawhi says

Kawhi's POV

Eric and Erica come out of school laughing, I wonder what these monsters have done did now. They hoping in chair acting crazy of course.

"What did you two clowns do now" I ask. I wonder what they did time.

"We got suspended for cussing out the teachers" Erica says.

"Why did y'all do that" I ask.

"Cause one of them told me I can't where hats" Eric says.

"Well you can't" I say.

"Yes I can I can do whatever I want I'm the boss of me" Eric explains.

"What did you do Erica?" I ask.

"I cussed out my teachers they were trying to tell me what to do. " she answers

"Look if you two don't act right you guys cannot come to my games alright" I say.

"Alright" they agreed.

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