Chapter 18

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Tamia's Pov

Today is Kawhi's birthday he's not really in a good mood, because last week he lost the NBA finals. He will eventually get over it soon. My twin brother and sister Eric and Erica are going to live with us this year so that will help him out a lot. Of course our little baby girl will always brighten up his day.

"Mommy when can I wake daddy." Kiara squeals.

"Not yet sweetie give me a few more minutes I'm making daddy's food" I explain.

Kawhi's favorite is breakfast egg benedict, panacakes, cinnamon rolls, bacon, and lemonade. I know he is greedy as hell but when your 6'7 you tend to be a bit hungry.

"How come Kawhi gets a fiesta" Eric pouts. I chuckle

"You and Erica breakfast is on the table" I point to it.

"Yeah but Kawhi gets all the good stuff" Erica whines.

"Okay baby brats stop complaining I made y'all breakfast I could've made y'all eat cereal." I scorn.

"Fine but I'm still mad Kawhi get all of that" Eric whine.

"Well when it's your birthday I will make you anything you want" I explain.

"Really" Erica says.

"Yes" I reply.

"Okay Kiki we can go wake daddy" I say.

She jumps up and runs to our room where Kawhi is sleeping peacefully. Too bad his precious princess is about to ruin that.

"Daddy daddy da-da da-da" Kiki jumps on Kawhi jumping on the bed.

"Stop jumping princess" Kawhi mumbles.

"You're breath stink daddy" Kiara screams.

She hold her nose, while Eric and Erica start busting out laughing, I shake my head.

"He just woke up Kiara" I tell her.

"So" Kiara scorns.

"Everyone breath stinks when they wake up even yours, that's why you brush your teeth" I explain.

"Oh daddy brush your teeth" Kiara demands.

"I was about to but you jump on top of me" Kawhi mumbles.

Kiara gets off Kawhi so he can get up to go brush his teeth. Once Kawhi's done he noticed his breakfast and he finally smiles.

"Oh thank you Tamia you didn't have to do this" Kawhi whispers. He leans in to me kiss me when Kiara interupts.

"Hey how come you kiss mommy before me" Kiara pouts.

We start laughing "sorry Kiki" Kawhi apologizes then kisses her forehead.

"Can I kiss your mother now" Kawhi asks.

"Yes you may" Kiara answers. He leans in to quickly peck my lips.

"Thank you" Kawhi says.

"Your welcome happy birthday" I say.

Later that night

Kawhi's POV

"Kawhi come outside" Erica says. She pulls me to get up and I go outside.

"Surprise!" everyone yells. Oh my goodness the party set up was amazing.

"Wow I don't know what to say" I say.

"Thank you would work" Erica sass.

"Thank you" I say.

My party was amazing it was one of the best days of my life. After the party I say goodbye to everyone, the twins and Kiki are in the basement hanging out. Tamia and I get time to ourselves. I haven't gotten my birthday present from she said it's another suprise.

Tamia's POV

I can't wait to show Kawhi his birthday present he gonna least expect it.

"Come outside" I say.

"Relax in the chair baby" I say.

"alright" he whispers.

The song dance for you come on. I take off my bathrobe to reveal my purple lingerie which makes his eyes huge. I get on his lap and start dancing to the song. He start touching me I stop.

"You can't touch me baby boy" I explain.

"Why are you torturing me baby" Kawhi whispers.

"It's fun" I answer.

I starting dancing some more Kawhi couldn't help himself he touches my stomach. I immediately get up still sitting on his lap. I get off him and get into the pool.

"baby come on" I say.

"Really Tamia" Kawhi pouts.

"Yes come on" I say. He get in the pool. He leans me aganist the pool and start sucking on my neck.

"Kawhi" I moan. We start making out then Kawhi pulls away.

"Let's go in our room mama"Kawhi says. He carries me to the room and he gets on top of me which I flip us around.

"Your the birthday boy I'm gonna be on top." I say. I start grinding on him while I kiss his neck. He grabs me and starting moaning.

"Baby stop" he says.

"What is it" I say.

"Just kiss me" he says. I give him a kiss,

"no kiss me like this". Kawhi moans.

He starts french kissing me making love with our mouths.

"I would love to have sex but I'm tired" he laughs.

"Whatever you want it's your bithday" I laugh.

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