Chapter 22

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Tamia's POV

Is Kawhi and I relationship a lot better, yes it is! I know it's about time our relationship is better. Kawhi is finally opening up to me. We tell each other everything. I feel like we fully trust another.  Kawhi has a huge surpise for me. I wondering what he has up his sleeve.

"Kawhi." I whine.

"Tamia no" he mocked me.

"Where is it?" I ask.

"I can't tell you" Kawhi answers.

"Am I dress appropriate for the function we have different fashion sense." I ask.

"Yes baby you're fine trust me" Kawhi replies.

We arive at the mall. I guess we are going shopping.

"You're taking on shopping spree" I squeals.

"Put on this blindfold baby girl" Kawhi says. I am a little heistant about putting the blindfold on.

"Okay Leonard I will".

He guides me into the store I don't know where I am. The floor feels like it's hard wood. He takes off my blindfold. It's a beautiful  empty store I couldn't believe my eyes. My jaw dropped.

"Kawhi I I I don't know what to say." I stutter.

"Well I know how much you love fashion so I decided to let you share it to the world" Kawhi pleads.

"Yes baby I do I feel like we're getting engaged again or married" I said.

"So when do you wanna have the wedding" Kawhi asks.

"All-Star weekend" I answer.

"In the winter you sure" Kawhi glares.

I start laughing "Babe it's gonna be in Los Angeles where we are from there silly."

"Oh okay sure we can do that" Kawhi smiles.

"Thank you for the store baby I love you" I say.

"I love you too" Kawhi says. He leans in to kiss me, the kiss gets heated.

He pulls away "As much as I'm enjoying this I need to get ready for my road trip" Kawhi says.

I'm gather up all of my items for my store and I getting my wedding ideas ready. My best friends Danielle and Brianna are coming over today to talk about my plans. Danielle is a wedding planner she is awesome at planning. I hear the door bell.

"Come in" I say.

"Wow someone excited" Brianna says sitting at the table.

"It's just Kawhi has been amazing lately." I explain.

"I believe it's because the spurs season is going well." Danielle suggests.

"Probably but I don't care as long as the spurs keep winning Kawhi is happy and I'm a happy girl."

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