Chapter 7

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Tamia's POV

You don't understand how happy I am to be with the love of my life. Kawhi and I have been dating for over a year now. I feel like I have been in heaven during this tenture. Kawhi has been a lot better from when his father was passing.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask

"I just want to chill honestly" Kawhi whispers.

"Okay I'll do whatever you want." I said.

"Alright my mom order pizza and wings." Kawhi informs.

"Sounds good let's go inside." I say.

"What movie you want to watch" I ask.

He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Jeepers cheepers".

My jaw drops "Kawhi no I hate scary movies" I whine.

"I'm just kidding Transformers" he chuckles.

"Okay that's better I can do that" I say.

I lay on the couch with my legs on Kawhi's lap he is sitting up. We started watching the movie a thought came to my head so I spoke up.

"Kawhi do you really want to do this.?" I ask as I sit up. He looks at me and says

"Yes I do." He leans in to kiss me.

I lay down on couch and I let Kawhi unbutton my sweater then I take off his shirt, and he leans down to kiss me again. He then picks me up and takes me upstairs to his room. He gently puts me on the bed, then we both undressed. He crawls on top of me. He pulls out a condom and put it on.

"Are you ready?" he asks. I nod my head.

"Just tell me when to stop" he mumbles.

"I will" I whisper. He gently enters me which is so painful. He goes harder as my moans get louder and louder. I start crying and Kawhi notices.

"You want me to stop" he mumbles aganist my lips.

"No whi keep going" I whisper. We kept going until we both reached our climax. He gets off and lays next to me and we both fall asleep.

Next morning

"Good morning" Kawhi says.

"Hey" I say.

"I can't believe we just did that." I whisper.

"I know " Kawhi says.

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