Chapter 13

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Tamia's POV

I don't understand why terrible things happen to good people. I mean Kawhi is the most sweetest kindest person I have ever meet. What type of person kills a man who actually love his children and take care of him. I know Kawhi isn't perfect but he didn't deserve to lose his father. I worry about Kawhi a lot I don't know how much more he can take. I am going to church with my family. I text kawhi to see if he ready.

T: R u ready?

K: yes I am

T: okay omw

At Church

Our pastor was really speaking to me and Kawhi about moving on. Two bible verses stood out to me.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

"Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth."

The first bible verse is about moving on which I am gonna have to help Kawhi do and the second is healing something we about have to do. Losing a parent is the worst thing in the world. It's so hard to do but in life everyone has tragic moments I honestly believe Kawhi has too many. I hold Kawhi 's hand and he smiles at me. I haven't seen in smile in a long time.

In my room

"So did you like church" I ask.

"Yes I did" Kawhi answers.

"How you are feeling" I ask.

"I don't know" Kawhi replies.

"You don't know" I'm curious.

"No Mia stop asking me questions please" Kawhi pleads.

"I'm just want to know what goes through your mind." I confess.

"A lot goes through my mind happy" he roll my eyes.

"Don't get mad at me cause I'm just trying to help you" I snap.

"Look I don't want your help okay leave me alone" Kawhi snaps.

"I know your lost father but I just got out of the hospital I'm depressed too stop feeling sorry for yourself okay your not the only one Kawhi damn!"

"You know what I'm leaving" Kawhi says. I run in front of door so he can't leave.

"Tamia move" Kawhi demands.

"No stop running away you have face the facts that life is tragic and move on you can't keep holding things in let it out" I explain.

His eyes start watering "Got damn it Tamia" Kawhi says and plops on the bed.

"Well you need to I can so can you." I say sternly.

He looks at me and says "Look it hard for me to tell people how I feel okay I just don't know why this happens".

"Cause life isn't easy it hard we all go through horrible things" I explain.

I hug him "I'm sorry honey it's just I had to let it out"

"I know" kawhi says. He leans in to kiss me which he hasn't done in forever. The kiss get heated and we make love to another again. Kawhi says sex makes him feel better I guess this is his way to start moving on.

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