Chapter 12

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Tamia's POV

My dance teacher told me I need to drop some pounds so I have been starving myself. I don't think I can deal with this starvation anymore. It's really driving me  absolutely insane and my body just couldn't take it anymore .

"Tamia sweetie" my mom says.

"Yes" I reply.

"Can I come in?" she asks.

"Yes come in" I answer.

"Hi honey have you talked to kawhi?" my mom asks.

"He won't talk to me" I cry. She wipes my tears with her fingers.

"Look Tamia your boyfriend just lost his father he doesn't want to loose his girlfriend" she explains.

"Wow mom I didn't even think about that" I scream.

"Tamia he doesn't like hospitals okay" she softly says.

"Mom I'm sorry I just want to live my dream" I say

"Living your dream doesn't mean hurting yourself okay" she explains.

"Maybe I should go to church with one on Sunday" I say.

"That would be sweet" she smiles.

"Can you drive me to Kawhi's house?" I ask.

"Of course" she answers.

Kawhi's house

I ring the doorbell and Kim answers.

"Hello Kim where Kawhi" she answers.

"I need to see him" I spill out.

"I wish you could but he locked the door" she explains.

"No problem" I say.

She allows me to walk in and I walk to Kawhi's room. Most people don't know I can pick the lock. I walk into the room where Kawhi is sleeping. He looks very peaceful. I know I'm the last person he wants to see but I really need to talk to him.

"Kawhi you need to wake up" I say shaking him.

"Huh Tamia what are you doing here" he groans when I wake him.

"Leave me alone Tamia!" he demands. He tries to run but I grab him.

"let me go" he growls.

"No" I fight back.

Obviously he way too strong for me so I just stop fighting him. Then he turns around and cry into my arms. I just hold him until he stops. I started crying too,

"Kawhi I'm really sorry I'm so so sorry" I cry.

"Why the hell would you do that to yourself you could've died." He looks at me, then I wipe his tears.

"Look I'm just trying to live my dream" I yelled back.

"Is it worth killing yourself" he scorns.

"Kawhi  please forgive me" I say.

"I lost my father already I don't want to lose you" he says. I walk to him and kiss him

"You're never gonna lose me" I say.

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