Chapter 9

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Tamia's pov

In the car

"I'm scared." I whine. Kawhi looks at me and tilts my face to his.

"I am too but we have to tell him they are our parents." Kawhi says.

"When should we tell them?" I ask.

"Today" he whispers.

My jaw dropped and I stop the car. "No! TODAY WHY KAWHI I'M NOT READY" I yell.

He grabs me "Look calm down babe please" he says.

"Sorry I just know my parents gonna are be pissed" I whine.

"I know but we have to do this we have to" Kawhi says. He calls his mother.

"Hi mom can u meet at Tamia's house?" Kawhi asks.

"She coming" he says.

He drives us to my house and his mom is sitting in the car. He grabs my hand and tells me it's gonna be ok. We greet his mom and go inside. We all end up having dinner together. My parents could tell I was tense and something was wrong.

"Sweetheart what's wrong" My dad asks.

"Yes you looked very scared" my mom adds. I look at Kawhi and he just takes deep breaths

"We have to tell you something" Kawhi says.

"What is it" his mom asks. I grab Kawhi's hand.

"I'm I'm uh uh- " cuts off

"They had sex" Travis says. I run upstairs and Kawhi follows me. I locked myself in my bathroom. Kawhi knocks on the door

"Tamia come out" he pleads.

"No I'm afraid" I cry.

"Tamia they aren't upset" Kawhi says.

"Really" I whisper.

"Yes come out please they are worried about you they just wanna talk to you" he explains. I open the door and I walk down the stairs with Kawhi. They are in the living room and I sit on the couch next to Kawhi and Travis.

"So you guys aren't mad" I ask.

"No we expected these from you two I kinda knew this was gonna happen." my mom says.

"So when did y'all do it" Kawhi's mom asks.

"About 2 weeks ago." I answer.

"My only thing is did you use protection Kawhi" my dad says.

"Yes of course" Kawhi whisper.

"Good that's good" my mom says.

"Kawhi we should get going I'm pretty sure your sisters are going to be excited about this" his mom says.

"Okay I call you tonight." Kawhi says; he kisses me and leaves with his mom.

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