Chapter 10

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Kawhi's POV

My girlfriend Tamia is a dancer even y'all did know, she is really really scared. I told her she would be fine, however like most girls they are overdramatic and emotional. Trust me I have four sisters I would know smh terrible. I am hanging out with my sisters at the mall.

"Kawhi what do you think about this dress" my sister asks.

"I don't know" I answer. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Kawhi your horrible how don't you know" Miesha says.

"Cause I don't care about this stuff" I reply.

"Can you just tell me if I look nice please" my younger sister pleads.

"you always look nice" I say. She rolls her eyes and goes into the dressing room.

"So Kawhi how your little trick" Miesha scoffs.

"Excuse me she's not a trick" I glare at her. She glares back

"Then how come y'all having sex" Miesha asks.

"cause we had sex" I scorn.

"how come y'all too young for shit" she asks.

"I don't know we only had sex once" I say.

"Um mh sure y'all did" she rolls her eyes.

"Look Miesha I'm not doing this" I say.

"Not doing what" I say.

Our sister comes outside from the dressing room. "Stop fighting" she whispers.

"Well tell her to not insult my girlfriend" I mumble.

"she wants to get pregnant" Miesha yells. I can't deal with I'm walking away. I decided to text Tamia.

K: hi wat u doin?

T: I'm been freaking out about my audition

K: oh you alright

T: yes what u doin

K: at the mall wit my sisters

T: having fun

K: not anymore

T: wat happen

K: Miesha thinks u trying to get pregnant on purpose

T: wtf!! r u serious

K: unfournately yes

T: I would never do that 2 u

K: I kno she jus piss bout it

T: I understand

K: I wanna come over can I

T: yes of course

K: i will see you later.

Tamia's POV

I can't believe Miesha would accuse me of getting pregnant on purpose I would never to do that. In my senior year get pregnant come on let's be serious here. I have a bright future ahead of me as well. I hear a knock on my bedroom door

"It's open Kawhi" I say. He opens the door and sits on the bottom of my bed.

"So Miesha thinks I'm a gold digger." I say.

"Yes she thinks you trying to pregnant on purpose" Kawhi replies.

"Why would I do that" I ask.

"I don't know she just very angry with me" he whispers.

"Yea I figured" I say.

"I'm feel like she hates me" Kawhi mumbles. I sit up and hug him.

"Babe she doesn't hate you she is just disappointed" I say

"Your probably right" he whispers.

I give him a kiss on head then cheek then his lips. He pulls away eventually he leans in to kiss. He sucks on my neck giving me a hickey.

"Kawhi" I moan.

He lays on bed signaling for me to sit on him. I straddle him and slowly I start riding him.

"Baby go faster" Kawhi moans. I was about to but I decided to stop.

Kawhi sits up and asks "why you stop". I put my hands on my face.

"What are we doing were too young for this" I say.

"No we're not we almost 18" Kawhi explains.

"Honey I just don't want to do this" I say.

"Come on please" he begged.

"Why do u want to?" I ask.

"because it's makes me feel better" Kawhi answers.

"Okay but- uh ah" he inserts his fingers into my panties.

"Oh my got damn" I yell.

"Can u please ride me?" He asks.

I nod I'm only doing this because this makes him happy. He lays down and I ride him as fast I could. After I finish he smiles at me. I smile back at him. I really love him.

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