Chapter 24

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Tamia's POV

Today is the craziest, exciting, nerve racking day of my entire life. I'm getting married today. Ever since I fell in love with Kawhi I dreamed of both of us being living happily ever after. Today is the day my dream finally comes true. My mom and Kim come into the hotel room.

"Hey princess" my mom says.

"Hi" I mumbles.

"Aww sweetheart you're scared" Kim squeals.

"Yes if you  didn't know I have stage fright" I confess. I do have horrible stage fright ever time I would cheer in high school my friends had to force me.

"Oh sweetheart just look at my baby boy you'll be fine I promise" Kim comforts me.

"Mommy" Kiara yells.

"Yes honey" I reply.

"I want to take a picture with you and daddy" she says.

"Kiki we can't" I explain.

"Why?" Kiara whines.

"The groom can't see the bride before the wedding it's bad luck" I answer.

"Okay but I want to see daddy" Kiara says.

"I will take you to see him okay" Kim says. My mom comes and sits down next to me.

"So sweetheart are you ready for this big step?" my mom asks.

"Yes this is what I've always wanted" I answer.

"I know but you and Kawhi had a big fight" she sass. I roll my eyes.

"I know I know but we've been great ever since that big fight" I explain.

"I love kawhi I do I just hope you both don't get heartbroken" she explains.

"Mom don't think like that please I'm nervous enough" I say.

"I know I felt that i had to tell you that" she says.

At the ceremony

"Daddy I can't do this I'm too nervous" I say walking away.

He grabs my hand "Tamia come on I know you're scared but you can do this." he explains.

"No it's too scary all those people looking at me" I cries.

"Stop it you're not doing this to Kawhi" he said.

"but dad-" he cuts off

"No, but you have to face your fear" he deamnds. My dad is right. I have to face my fear. Kawhi paid for all of this to happen.

"I'm going daddy" I said.

"Come on" he says.  I turn around to see Kawhi, he look amazing I don't understand why he doesn't like to dress up he looks so handsome. He smiles at me, my dad gives me away to him. He helps me up on the stage.

"Why are you crying I haven't even said my vows yet" Kawhi joked. I laugh

"I have stage fright remember" I say. "Just look at me" Kawhi suggests.  The pastor tells us the poem you say in marriage. 

"Tamia your vows to Kawhi"

"I promise to encourage your compassion,

Because that is what makes you unique and wonderful.

I promise to nurture your dreams,

Because through them your soul shines.

I promise to help shoulder our challenges,

For there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together.

I promise to be your partner in all things,

Not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole.

Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust,

For one lifetime with you could never be enough.

This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things."

I was completely in tears, Kawhi wipes them off with his big hands.

"Kawhi your vows to Tamia"

"On this day,

I give you my heart,

My promise,

That I will walk with you,

Hand in hand,

Wherever our journey leads us,

Living, learning, loving,



We exchange rings and the pastor says  "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride".

Kawhi removes my wedding veil and leans in to give the best kiss he has ever gave me. Our family and friends cheering by our side.

He pulls away "I love you" he says.

" I love you too" I say.

Kiara is laughing and jumping around. "Go hug your mother and father girl" Travis demands. Kiara obeys him and runs to us. "Can I join?" Kiara asks

"Yes baby girl come here" Kawhi says. He picks her up and we take our first picture together as husband and wife.

"I'm the princess, my parents are the king and queen and we live happily ever after." Kiara says.

We danced, ate the cake, and just had fun.

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