Chapter 23

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Kawhi's POV

I'm so tired, playing eight straight away games is a lot. Not because we are traveling, but because we are away from our family. I'm glad it's all star weekend, but I'm not getting a break. I'm getting married the day of all-star game, Sunday. I'm excited to get married to my best friend.

As I walked through the door, I heard the little footsteps running toward the door and shortly after, Kiara runs into my leg clinging onto me.

"Hi Daddy!" Kiara squeals.

"Hi baby where is your mother" I ask.

"The mall with nana" she answers.

"Who's babysitting you?" I ask.

"Uncle Eric and Auntie Erica" she answers. I shake my head.

"Oh boy where are they?" I ask.

"In the basement" Kiara replies.

I pick her up and bring her downstairs in the basement. As I expected, Eric and Erica are fighting over the video games. These two is something else, I don't know how their mother put up with these devils. I put Kiara down to break up the fight.

"Hey cool it you two" I say.

"Tell this heffa to stop being so bossy" Eric yells.

"No tell this motherfucker to stop calling me names" Erica yells back.

"Alright you two that's enough go to your rooms right now and don't come out until I say so." I demand.

They listen to me and go to their room. Kiara start smiling at me I wonder what she wants to do.

"So since it's just me and you what do you want to do" I ask.

"I want to go to the park" she screams.

"Okay can we do that" I say.

At the Park

"Daddy I wanna go on the merry-go-round" Kiara says.

She runs to it and I start pushing her and few other kids on the merry-go-round. Some kids come up to me, they're tense to ask me for autographs. I don't mind giving them autographs. I hear my phone rings and it's Tamia.

"Hey baby" I answer.

"Hi honey where did you go" she asks.

"I'm at the park with Kiara right now" I answer.

"Oh okay I just wanted to know where you were with my child" she sasses. I shake my head.

"You worried too much Tamia she's fine" I say.

"I was just kidding" she says.

"I know you are so I will see you in about half hour." I tell her.

"Okay bye Kawhi I love you" Tamia says.

"I love you too" I hang up.

When I arrive home Kiara is sleepping in her car seat. I carry her into the house where I smell food cooking. I walked into the kitchen. My mom comes up to me and kisses me and the baby.

"Hey sweetheart I made you and Tamia dinner let me take my grandbaby" she says.

I hand her Kiara and sit at the table across from Tamia. She walks up to me, straddles me like always and gives me a kiss. She pulls away leaning against my forehead.

"I really missed you" she whispers.

"I can tell" I smile.

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