Chapter 14

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Tamia's POV

I'm so excited for Senior Skip Day, we are going to the beach. After all the craziness, sadness, and tragic moments that has happen in my life. I'm so excited my crew and I get to go the beach so we can chill and relax. All of my stress will be relieve.

"Hi Tamia you ready to go." Dani yells.

"Yes I'm coming down right now" I yell back.

"Okay we will be in the car." she tells me. I get all my stuff ready then head out to the car.

"Oooh Tamia"Michael yells

"Take it off" Bri yells Kawhi is in the passengar seat laughing. It's feel great to see Kawhi smile he has a nice smile.

"You guys are nuts" I shake my head.

"You know you love us" Bri says.

"So what beach are we going to?" Kawhi asks

"We are going to M & A Riverside" Dani answers.

"Cool" Kawhi whispers.

"I can't wait to get a tan" Bri says.

"You mean get pink" Michael says. She glares at him then punches him the arm.

"No violence" Kawhi jokes.

"Just a little violence" Michael whines.

"Please" Bri pleads. Kawhi starts laughing which is such a good sign.

"We're here!!" Dani screams. The beach looks so beautiful and perfect I can't wait to hang out with my friends.

We ended up having a ball on the beach. We went on the waterslide, zip- lining, tug-of- war which the boys unfourtnately ended up winning. They started bragging about it.

"Haha boys rule" Michael says.

"Better luck next time" Kawhi bragged.

"Shut up" I say pouting.

"Aw is someone a sore loser?" Kawhi mocked. I roll my eyes he obligated to pick me up. I started screaming and he threw me in the ocean.

"Kawhi I hate you" I whine.

"Stop being a baby" Kawhi mocked.

"I'm not" I whine. He just starts laughing. Now it's sunset all of us are relaxing Kawhi and I laying on the beach. I'm between his legs and staring at the sunset which is perfect.

"So how do you rank today" I ask.

"Perfect" he smiles. He kisses me and we watch the sunset.

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