Chapter 19

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Tamia's POV

I'm currently braiding Kawhi hair. I know you're still upset but you have to let this go.

"I can't okay if I didn't miss that free throw we would've won the finals Tamia" Kawhi whispers.

"I know but you have to stop beating yourself up" I say.

"I'm not going to I'm been through worse it's just hurt because I let my team down" he mumbles

"Kawhi you're not the first one and you currently won't be the last" I said

"I know it's just a lot of guilt I'm dealing with" Kawhi says. I want to talk to Kawhi about his father something I never talk to him about.

"Hey have you thought about your father lately" I asks.

"Um not really I don't think about that much" he says

"Kawhi seriously how do you handle this pain of losing him" I wonder.

"You just move on with it you have to you don't think I miss him" Kawhi mumbles.

"I know you do that's why when it happen I was scared you were gonna go nuts." I confess.

He looks up to me and smiles "You have nothing to worry about okay" he says. He kisses me and I continue to braid his hair.

Kawhi's POV

"Kawhi sweetheart" Kim says.

"Yes mom what do you want " I say.

"Oh nothing I just to say hello to you" she says

"Uh huh what is it" I answer. 

"I heard you talk about your father" she states.

"Yeah Tamia just think I might break down" I tell her.

"I do too I kinda want you to it's okay to be upset" she explains.

"Like I told her so I'm gonna tell you I'm fine" I say

"Well I'm your mother so I'm going to be worried" Kim says

"Yes I know you're always worried about me it's drives me nuts sometimes". She hugs me and I lay my head on her lap.

"Kawhi once in a while pain will get the best of you and we can't hold things in" she explains.

"Yeah when it's happens I will let you know I promise" I say .

"Okay I will be all ears" Kim asks.

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