Chapter 8

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Tamia's POV

Right now it's almost time for midterms which means we have to study for them  ugh. I am currently at my house with Kawhi. He is laying on my bed and I'm on top of him. I am using his back like a desk so I can do my study guides. He is reading a chapter in his history book. I feel like messing up with him so I take my pen and stick it in his ear. He shifts.

"Do your work?" Kawhi whispers.

"I'm done" I say then I get off him and I feel really bad

"Mia you alright" Kawhi asks.

"No I want to braid your hair" I say.

"Why do you want to do that" Kawhi asks.

"Because I never got to do your hair please whi please" I said.

"Alright alright whatever you want" Kawhi gives in.

I get back on top of his back and he shifts his body so his head is on my chest and his body is between my legs. I start taking out his hair

"What do you think?" I ask.

"I think these look like girl braids" he replies.

I shake my head "You're so stupid" I laugh

"No I'm not these are the girliest braids I have ever seen in my life" Kawhi said.

"You should appreciate that I did for you but no Kawhi wants to be a jerk about it" I explain.

"I'm not being a jerk, and you didn't do my hair the way I wanted it" Kawhi explains.

"I know I like to do things my way." I say.

"Right you don't listen your so stubborn" I say.  I punch in his arm.

He turns  around and says "Oh it's on now".

I tried to run away but Kawhi grabs and throws me back on the bed. I tried to wrestle him but of course he too strong, so I surrender. I notices Kawhi is smiling which Kawhi never smiles.

"I haven't seen you smile in a very long time" I confess.

"Well I'll admit it I enjoy spending time with you" he says.

Tears start coming down my face, he has no idea how much that means to me.

"Are you crying?" He asks.

"That's the sweetest thing you ever said to me" I cried.

"Well I appreciate you being there for me" Kawhi says.

"It's because I love you so much" I say. Kawhi leans down to kiss me.

"I love you too" he says. I'm the happiest girl in the world.

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