Chapter 21

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Tamia's POV

I am resting my head on Kawhi's lap. Things are a lot better now Kawhi is finally opening up to me. I mean everytime I try to talk to him about something he tells me what's on his mind. It's really making life so much easier for me,

"Kawhi" I say.

"What?" he said

"Kawhi I think you need to go to therapy" I admit.

"Why I'm fine I don't need to go" Kawhi scoffs.

"Yes you do" I say

"Why  do I need to go to therapy?"

"Because there's something that's bothering you and I don't know what is." I explain.

"You just really care about me I don't want to go" Kawhi says.

"You sure you don't want to talk to anybody" I say.

"Your always so worried about everything" Kawhi says.

"Well all I'm doing is trying to help you out " I say.

"I not gonna talk to a stranger about myself I'm not a talkative person you know that I just don't like to talk I don't want to talk." Kawhi confessed.

"After everything you been through I don't know how you do it" I cry, tears just falling from my face. I pushed him out the way and run down stairs where his mother sees me.

"Tamia sweetie what's wrong" she asks.

"Ask your son" I say.

Kim's POV

"Ask your son" Tamia cries. What is going with them two?

"Kawhi get down here" I yell. He walks down looking upset.

"What mom?" Kawhi snaps.

"Boy stop snapping at me I did nothing to your ass" I say.

"Well what do you want?" he asks.

"Why is Tamia crying?" I ask.

"Cause she wants me to tell everything but I don't know what she wants me to say" Kawhi confess.

"Why won't you tell us both how you feel" I ask.

"What more do you want from me " Kawhi says.

" I want to stop holding every thing in you act everything is okay" I say

"Listen I love that you care but trust me on I'm fine" Kawhi informs me.

"No Kawhi you're not okay I know you aren't but I'm going to tell you alone." I say.

Kawhi's POV

I understand what my mom and Tamia are trying to help out but I'm good.

"I get what your saying but mom if I break down like I did in high school I will come to you" I say.

"I'm always gonna be so worried about you cause I'm your mother " Kim says.

I get home from practice and lay down on the couch. All of sudden everyone comes into the house loud and crazy. They notice the tension between Tamia and I.

"Kids let's go in the kitchen and make dinner" my mom says. 

Tamia stares at me "Are you just going to keep staring at me?".

She just walks over to me and straddles me. I roll my eyes and read my book. She takes the book out of my hands so I can pay attention her. I just glare at her.

"What do you want?" I say.

"I want my husband back" she says.

"I'm not your husband" I said.

"Your gonna be" she says.

"Maybe maybe not" I say. She gets off of me and starts yelling

"What the fuck you don't want to be my husband now?"

"Of course i do I wouldn't have ask if I didn't" I say. She sighs and straddles me again.

"Kawhi if you want to be with forever you have to tell me what you're thinking." Tamia cries.

"Why" I ask.

"Cause I'm a lady I want to know everything you're thinking that's how I feel safe" Tamia explains.

"I don't need  you to tell me everything" I say.

"Exactly thats us ladies our different" Tamia says. I shake my head "What am I gonna do with you girls" I laugh. 

"I'm glad to see you smiling" she say.  She starts staring at me not knowing what I'm gonna do. 

"Well lean" I say. She leans in to kiss me which of course gets heated. My mom walks in "That's enough". I just start laughing I loved these two.

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