The Beinging

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Now I know this story might sound familiar, but I'm gonna put
the pieces together. And in order to do that, I have to start at the beginning.

Lawrence, Kansas

Crickets chirp. A large tree with no leaves stands outside one of several suburban homes.
A woman, Mary Winchester. She  carries a small child, her son, Dean. They walk into a nursery for her newborn, Sam.
"Come on, let's say good night to your brother." Mary smiled. She turns on the lights. Mary sets Dean down. He leans over the side of the crib and kisses Sam on the forehead.
"'Night, Sam." The boy whispered. Mary leans over Sam as well.
"Good night, love." Mary smiled. This was it. A normal life. No monsters, no demons, no more hunting. Mary brushes Sam's hair back and kisses his forehead.

John walked in.
"Hey, Dean." John spoke. Dean turns. John stood in the doorway. Dean rushes over to him. 
"Daddy!" Dean squealed.  John smiled.
"Hey, buddy."  John scoops Dean up.
"So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?" John asked. Dean shakes his head, laughing.
"No, Daddy." The boy giggled. John laughs.
"No?" John acted surprised. Dean giggled as he shook his head.

Mary passes John and Dean on the way out of the room.
"You got him?" She asked, touching John's arm.
"I got him." He reassured. John hugs Dean closer. "Sweet dreams, Sam." John carries Dean out of the room, flipping off the lights. Sam watches them go, gurgling, then tries to reach his toes.

The baseball-themed mobile above SAM's crib begins to spin on its own while SAM watches. The transportation-themed clock on the wall ticks, ticks, stops. The moon-shaped nightlight flickers.

Lights flicker on a baby monitor sitting on a nightstand next to a photo of Mary and John. Strange noises come through the monitor. Mary, asleep in bed, stirs. She turns on the light on the nightstand.
"John?" She calls out. No answer. She turns: she's alone. She gets up.

Mary  walks down the hall to Sam's nursery. John, seen only in silhouette, stands over Sam's crib.
"John? Is he hungry?" She asked. John turns his head.
"All right." She whispered. Mary  heads back down the hallway. The light by the stairs is flickering. Mary frowns and goes to tap at it till the light steadies.

More flickering light is coming from downstairs: MARY investigates. A war movie is on TV and John has fallen asleep watching it. If John is here, Mary realizes. Then the man upstairs cannot be John. She runs back upstairs.
"Sammy! Sammy!" She yelled rushing to the room.
Mary enters Sam's nursery and stops short.

Upstairs, Mary screams. John wakes up.
"Mary?" John called to her. There was no answer. John  scrambles out of the chair. "Mary!" He yelled as he ran upstairs.

John bursts through the closed door of the nursery.
"Mary." John called out of breath. The room is quiet and appears empty except for Sam awake in his crib and John. He glances around and pushes down the side of Sam's crib.
"Hey, Sammy. You okay?" He asked the infant.
Something dark drips next to Sam. John touches it. Two more drops land on the back of John's hand. It looks like blood. He looks up. His wife is sprawled across the ceiling, the stomach of her nightgown red with blood, staring at him and struggling to breathe. John collapses onto the floor, staring at Mary.

"No!" He yelled hysterically. "Mary!" Mary bursts into flame. The fire spreads over the ceiling. John stares, frozen. Sam wails. John, reminded he's not alone, gets up and scoops Sam out of his crib and rushes out of the room.

Dean is awake and coming to investigate.
"Daddy!" The four year old yelles. John shoves Sam at Dean.
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back! Now, Dean, go!." John ordered the boy. Dean turns and runs. John turns back to the nursery.
"Mary!" He yelled. The entire room is on fire.  Mary herself can barely be seen.

Dean runs outside, holding Sam. .
"It's okay, Sammy." The boy told his brother.
Dean turns to look up at Sam's window, which is lit with gold. John runs outside, scoops up Dean and Sam, and carries them both away.
Fire explodes out of Sam's nursery window.

The Lawrence fire department has arrived. A firefighter gets out of a fire truck and takes over at the gauges for another firefighter. The second firefighter goes to the back of the truck and takes a hose from a third firefighter. That firefighter takes the hose towards the house where a fourth firefighter is spraying through SAM's nursery window. A paramedic opens the back of an ambulance. A police officer aves some neighbors back.

Across the street from the house, John and Dean sit on the hood of John's Impala, holding Sam.  John looks up at the remnants of the fire. The Winchester's were so content with life. Though the monsters, and demons came back. John only saw revenge for his wife. To kill the monster who killed her.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Three days later

A 69 charger speeds down an empty street. Christina Smith is driving to Bobby Singer's house. A two year old Joan slept in the back. Joan's eyes fluttered open.
"Mama?" She called out to Chris. The mother turned around real quick checking her daughter, then her eyes were back on the road.
"Honey, go back to sleep. We're almost to Uncle Bobby's." Chris said. Joan dozed back to sleep. Chris was so nervous one of her Friends from Lawrence died a few days ago in a fire. Then her own husband. Christina knew Mary Campbell. They grew up together as hunters. Chris left with her Father to live in Washington State. Mary, she stayed in Kansas.

Christina rolled up to the front of Bobby's house. The man sat on his front porch. She got out and smiled.
Bobby got up and helped her with the bags. Chris picked up the sleeping Joan.
"We're here Joey. We're safe." Christina hugged her daughter closer.
Bobby walked beside her. A tear rolled down Christina's cheek.
"Luke died, Bob. He... I" Christian cried. Bobby took Joan into his arms.
"Bobby I killed him. That... demon." Chris sobbed as they got in the house.

Chris collapsed on the couch.
"He sold his soul so I could have a normal life Bobby. He died because of me." She told Bobby as he hit the base of the stairs from putting Joan to bed.
"He... I watched the bitch and her hellhounds tear him apart." Bobby sat next to her. He rubbed her back.
"But it was his choice, Chris." She sobbed more. "He wanted to protect you and Joan. I know you would do the same thing for her and him." Bobby said.

That night she decided to get back into hunting. To kill all those demons that mean harm. To kill the monsters, so Joan would have a better future. To at least try and live normal without fear.

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