A New Man

22 1 0

Stanford University
31 Oct 2005.

"Sam!" A woman calls out. The woman, Jess, comes around a corner. She walks in with a sexy-nurse costume and adjusting her hat. The photo of Mary and John from earlier is on the dresser. "Get a move on, would you?" She smiled. "We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago." Jess told him as she walks off. "Sam!"She calls again.
"You coming or what?" She asked.
A young man pokes his head around the corner. Sam smiled. He's wearing jeans and three shirts. Jess frowned when she saw he didn't have a costume.
"Do I have to?" He asked.
"Yes!" Jess said "It'll be fun." Sam comes into the room. "And where's your costume?" She asked. Sam laughs and ducks his head.
"You know how I feel about Halloween." Sam looked at Jess.

The bar is decorated for Halloween. Someone pours someone else a shot. Everyone is in costume.

Jess raises a glass as a young man in a ghoul costume, Luis, comes up to the table where Sam and Jess are. Sam is still not in costume. They just reminded him of what his Brother and Dad hunt. What he use to hunt.
"So here's to Sam and his awesome LSAT victory." Jess smiled, raising her shot glass.
"All right, all right, it's not that big a deal." Sam shook his head. Jess, Sam, and Luis clink glasses.
"Yeah, he acts all humble." Jess rolled her eyes then looked at Luis. "But he scored a one seventy-four." She said.
Luis drinks his shot and so does Sam.
"Is that good?" Luis asked.
"Scary good." Jess smiled. Sam couldn't help but smile watching Jess.
Jess takes her shot.
"So there you go. You are a first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want!" Luis smiled. Luis sits next to Sam.
"Actually, I got an interview here. Monday." Sam informed. "If it goes okay I think I got a shot at a full ride next year." He said happily. Life was going right in his eyes.
"Hey. It's gonna go great." Jess held Sam's hand.
"It better." Sam smiled, holding her hand.
"How does it feel to be the golden boy of your family?" Luis asked. Sam sighed.
"Ah, they don't know." Sam spoke.
"Oh, no, I would be gloating! Why not?" Luis asked.
"Because we're not exactly the Bradys." Sam chuckles.
"And I'm not exactly the Huxtables." Luis smiled. "More shots?" He's raised his eyebrows.
"No. " Jess and Sam say at the same time. Luis goes up to the bar anyway.

Jess looked at Sam.
"No, seriously. I'm proud of you. And you're gonna knock 'em dead on Monday and you're gonna get that full ride. I know it." Jess said with so much love.
"What would I do without you?" Sam chuckled.
"Crash and burn." Jess smirked. She smiles and pulls Sam in for a kiss.

Later that night Sam and Jess lie in bed, asleep back to back. Jess shifts position. Sam struggles to sleep.
A sound outside the room, like a window opening. Sam opens his eyes.
Sam leaves the bedroom and looks around the apartment. A window is open Footsteps. A man walks past the strings of beads at the far end of the hall. Sam moves to another part of the apartment and waits. The man enters the room. Sam lunges forward and grabs the man at the shoulder. The man knocks Sam's arm away and aims a strike at Sam, who ducks. The man grabs Sam's arm, swings him around, and shoves him back. Sam kicks and is blocked, then pushed back into another room. Sam gets his first glimpse of the Man. The Man elbows Sam in the face . Sam kicks at his head. The man ducks and swings and Sam blocks. The man knocks Sam down and pins him to the floor, one hand at Sam's neck and the other holding Sam's wrist.
"Whoa, easy, tiger." The man smirked.
Sam breathes hard. He looks up at the man confused.
"Dean?" Sam asked. A 26 year old Dean laughs. "You scared the crap out of me!" Sam said angrily.
"That's 'cause you're out of practice." Dean said smugly. Dean placed out his hand. Sam grabbed Dean's hand and yanks, slamming his heel into Dean's back. Pushing his older brother to the floor.
"Or not." Dean huffed out a breath.
Sam taps Dean twice where Sam is holding him.
"Get off of me." Dean said annoyed.
Sam rolls to his feet and pulls Dean up.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked.
"Well, I was looking for a beer." Dean said. Dean puts his hands on Sam's shoulders, shakes once, and lets go.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked again, annoyed with his brother.
"Okay. All right. We gotta talk." Dean said seriously. Sam shook his not believing this.
"Uh, the phone?" Sam said angrily.
Dean rolled his eyes.
"If I'd'a called, would you have picked up?" Dean looked at Sam.

Jess turns the light on. She is wearing very short shorts and a cropped shirt with the Smurf's on it.
"Sam?" She said. Sam and Dean turn their heads in unison.
"Jess. Hey." He smiled at her "Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica." Sam said. Dean looks at her appreciatively.
"Wait, your brother Dean?" Jess asked. Sam nods. Dean grins.
"Oh, I love the Smurfs." She smiled. "You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league." Dean smirked.
"Just let me put something on." Jess said embarrassed of her outfit in the moment. Jess turns to go. Dean's voice stops her.
"No, no, wouldn't dream of it. Seriously." Dean smiled. Dean goes back over to Sam without taking his eyes off Jess . Sam watches him, his expression stony.
"Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business." Dean smiled at Jess. "But, uh, nice meeting you."
"No." Sam goes over to Jess and puts an arm around her. "No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her." Sam said. Dean sighed.
"Okay." Dean turns to look at them both straight on. "Um. Dad hasn't been home in a few days." Dean informed. Sam shrugged.
"So he's working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later." Sam said. Dean ducks his head and looks back up.
"Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days." Dean looked Sam in the eyes. Sam's expression doesn't change while he takes this in. Jess glances up at him.
"Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside." Sam said.

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