Chapter 2 : The Attack

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The Attack

Charlotte entered her school building, feeling a sense of unease. Estelle had already left for Goode High School, located on the other side of the building, leaving Charlie alone to face her bullies.

Charlie was no stranger to being targeted at school; she was the classic nerd, a label she wore with both pride and a touch of resignation. As she walked towards her locker, she couldn't help but dread the encounters she had with her bullies.

One bully, in particular, stood out—Kellie Bryan. Kellie had a knack for making Charlie's life miserable. She had piercing, unkind brown eyes and stringy brown hair that framed her menacing glare. Charlie tried her best to avoid Kellie, but today, it seemed, Kellie had decided that Charlie was her prime target.

"Hello, crow head," Kellie taunted, her words dripping with hatred. "Are you gonna cry? Are you gonna go crying to mommy? Oh wait, you don't have one. Too bad your parents saw how ugly you were and left you." Kellie snickered wickedly.

Charlie's gaze turned icy as she shot daggers at Kellie. But Kellie seemed unfazed, even pleased with her ability to rile her up further.

"Is the little princess mad?" Kellie continued, her tone mocking. "Too bad mommy can't come to save her."

Charlie felt tears welling up, pushed to the brink of her emotions. A crowd had gathered around them, eager spectators to the confrontation. She just pushed them away and simply left to class.

Time passed, and Charlotte had grown weary of the school environment. She was inundated with questions and curious glances, something she wasn't entirely comfortable with. When school was finally over, she walked through the main gates, where Estelle awaited her, wearing an expression that screamed, "You are late I am going to kill you."

Approaching her cousin, Charlie braced herself for the inevitable lecture.

"Why are you late?" Estelle demanded, her tone a mix of concern and frustration.

"Had to return a book to the Library" Charlie lied, avoiding eye contact. She felt a weight in her chest as she remembered the cruel words Kellie had hurled at her.

"Why were you late then?" Estelle implored. "I heard everything she said to you."

"What?"Charlie's eyes widened

Estelle's expression softened. "I'm sorry I came to give the money Mom had asked me but why didn't you fight back?? "

"I just......just don't know I'll try next time." Charlie replied.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Estelle nodded, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but it has to be blue," Charlie replied, a hint of a smile returning to her face.

Estelle smiled back. They walked together, with Charlotte slipping her hand onto Estelle's shoulder, heading towards their favorite ice cream shop. A comfortable silence settled between them as they made their way.

Upon arriving at the ice cream shop, they noticed something amiss. Their usual waitress, Maya, was nowhere to be found. Instead, a middle-aged woman with brown eyes, black hair, and a somewhat stern demeanor was cleaning the counter.

"Hello Mam? Where's Maya?" Estelle inquired.

"Maya? Oh, the girl who worked here before me. She's taken a leave today," the woman replied rather quiet rude.

"Can we get mint-chocolate chip and blueberry caramel, please?" Charlotte requested, her impatience evident in her voice as she eagerly anticipated her ice cream.

"Sure. Also, we have a special offer today. Kids below 13 can watch us make our ice cream. Would you like to watch?" the woman asked.

"Yes, I would love to, but unfortunately, Estelle here is 13 already," Charlotte answered almost immediately, a bit too eager to have some fun.

"No thanks, we need to go. Mom will be waiting. Can you just get us the ice cream?" Estelle interjected quickly, as if avoiding sending Charlotte alone.

Charlotte shot Estelle a death glare, but the decision had been made.

The waitress nodded, though she seemed visibly disappointed.

"What's wrong with you? Why can't I have fun? You always ruin it," Charlotte whispered-yelled at Estelle.


"Girls, your order is ready," the woman interrupted, coming out with nothing in her hands.

Estelle immediately backed away, putting a protective arm around Charlotte, who was now on high alert.

"Charlotte Zoe Jackson, lost both her parents, huh? Too bad. Now you can go see them because you and your sidekick are dead," the woman laughed sinisterly.

"It's Blofis not Jackson, and how do you know my name?" Charlotte demanded.

The woman's face contorted with an eerie transformation. White fog engulfed her and then dissipated, revealing a vampire with metal legs and donkey hooves.

"CHARLOTTE, RUN!" Estelle screamed as she grabbed her (A/N kinda?) sister's hand.

They both sprinted away from the ice cream shop, the strange creature in pursuit. Their desperate flight ended when they reached their apartment building.

Estelle banged on the door, and her mother, alarmed by their frantic banging, opened it. The girls rushed inside, and Estelle quickly shut the door behind them.

"What the—" their mother began.

"Ice cream store... lady... monster... chase... us... run... door... lock," Estelle panted, trying to explain in fragments.

"Girls, are you okay?" their grandmother inquired, her face etched with concern as they collapsed onto the couch.

"I... am... alright. What the heck was that?" Charlotte cursed.

Sally stared mentaly for her respone whether it was Truth or a lame Lie.

Her grandmother sighed, her gaze heavy with meaning. "Hon, remember the Greek myths I used to tell you and Estelle when you were younger?"

Charlotte nodded, while Estelle stared in horror at her own mother.

"Mom, but—" Estelle began.

"It's time, Estelle," her mother said with a sense of inevitability.

"It's time for what? Please explain," Charlotte pleaded, trembling with fear.

"Charlotte... you're a legacy."


I love cliffhangers

K sorry to torture you guys but I luv ya.

The vid above is hilarious.

Anyways VOTE and COMMENT.

Ya girl out

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