Chapter 16: A hooded guy

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The Hooded Guy

3rd Person

Charlotte woke up, her eyes still blurry from sleep.

She blinked a few times to clear her vision, staring at the blank walls of her cabin. She was lying in her soft bed and when she turned to look at the bunk opposite hers, she saw her mother sleeping there.

She remembered what had happened the night before. In the middle of the night, Charlotte woke up and found her mom on a laptop researching the history of Athens in the hopes of finding a clue.

Quietly, Charlotte got out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom so as not to wake her mother. After a shower and changing her clothes, she returned to her cabin, only to discover that her mother was no longer there. She assumed her mom had woken up and left, so she began making her bed in preparation for a cabin inspection.

However, something strange caught her eye. Charlotte thought she might have been imagining things, but she saw a cloaked figure, most likely a man, looking at her through the window. She couldn't see the person's face, but they hurriedly fled as soon as they realized she had spotted them.

Charlotte rushed out of her cabin and chased after the mysterious figure. The man ran towards the woods and suddenly transformed into mist, disappearing. When Charlotte reached the spot where the man had been, all she found was fresh dew on the grass.


Unknown PoV

He ran with a 12-year-old chasing him, as he reached a clearing he mist traveled away to a cave near the beach.

He was happy to see her and longed to talk to her again......

Soon he thought.



As Charlie made her way back to the cabin, she debated in her head whether to tell her mom or not. The guy must've been a demigod... He couldn't have crossed the camp borders if not.

But who would be his godly parent? Which god could turn into mist? If the figure was a god, then why did he have to wear a cloak when gods could change their identities?

Now, thinking back, the guy didn't even wear a cloak; he was wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up and his face covered by a mask. Why would he come to camp wearing a mask, though?


Annabeth wanted to quit.


She was annoyed and tired. Her whole life from seven had been chaotic finally she had peace then that was also gone. Now her love of her life is missing and her daughter is in a goddam prophecy, the only thing they tried to avoid her whole life.

Annabeth made her way to the Dining Pavilion.


A figure slammed onto her as she looked down.

"Hey, Mom!" Charlie smiled

"What are you doing here, did you eat?"

"No...." She replied

"Well, you should." Annabeth made her daughter sit down as she watched her eat her blue Pancakes.

Another thing she had gotten from her dad.

As Annabeth watched she was pulled into a very old memory that probably only she will remember.

Annabeth sat on the couch and smiled at Percy as he played with their now 3-year-old daughter.

Annabeth was reading a book occasionally glancing at her husband and daughter when she giggled or said something to her father.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look Daddy and I made a Blwue pancake with the blwoks." Charlie exclaimed.

Annabeth glanced and the blue blob of blue Lego bricks she was holding and smiled at her.

"That is very pretty Charlie, who is it for?" she asked as she looked at Percy who was grinning at Charlotte.

"Ooh, we forgot about yours and mommy's pancake, We will make it " She went back to making a blob of blue bricks with Percy sorting and giving her all the blue bricks. 

"Zoe! I found a doll which looks like you." Percy told her showing her a figure that had black hair like her, she smiled and took it.

"Daddy look this one looks like you and Mommy" She gasped

Annabeth looked to see a black-haired and blonde-haired doll with the 'Charlie' doll which she claimed to be the three of them.



"Mom, are you good? You just zoned out..."

"I'm good. Are you finished eating because I just remembered I need to go, sorry!" Annabeth said before getting up and walking to the beach.

Charlotte stared at her mother.

"What's up?" Skye plopped down beside her at the table.

"The sky..."

"Okay, not funny. Do you have class or we can head out to the beach right now!"

"Yeah....I'm free!"

"Great  come, Bianca is already waiting."


A filler chapter sorry!!!!!

Will update soon a proper chapter... school is getting annoying....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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